This is an old revision of the document!

REF: Engine Control 50a

☚———————————— USER BEWARE! ————————————☛

There is NO WARRANT OF USABILITY for the MAP Files that are made available on the Sportsterpedia. These are being hosted for evaluation
by individual users and ALL USERS MUST MAKE THEIR OWN EVALUATION of the suitability of using these MAP Files for their intended
engine configuration!

☚———————————— USER BEWARE! ————————————☛

Daytona Twin Tec - TC88A Factory Ignition Maps

This section was created from files supplied by XLForum member, npaisnel. He created these usable files by tediously accessing each and every pre-programmed map. Thank you.

Instructions for using the ZIPPED files:
1) Click the selected ZIP filename and download (save) it to a convenient directory on your local computer.
2) Then UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg', the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.
3) Load that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec PC-Link Software to map your ignition module.

Under Construction

Here is a Graphic Grid of all the Factory Maps selectable from the dials:

Use your Browser BACK Button -or-

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