EVO: Oiling & Lubrication - Sub-04I

Pics and Information on 2014-2022 Sportster Oil Tanks

See also in the Sportsterpedia;
….. *1986-Up Oil Line Routing
….. *Pics and Information on stock EVO Battery Trays and Parts

In 2014, the MoCo revised the oil tank again (62500017). This change coincided with a new battery tray. 1)
It has the 10 psi pressure relief valve in the top of the tank.
If the vent line / vent tube is pinched or restricted, tank overfilled etc., excessive pressure is created in the oil tank.
The valve opens if the pressure in the tank exceeds 10 psi to prevent damage to the oil tank.
All hoses are now on the right side stacked on top of each other.

Click on any pic below to enlarge:

2014-2022 Sportster Oil Tank (62500017) 2)
2014-2022 Sportster Oil Tank (62500017) 3)
2014-2022 Sportster Oil Tank (62500017) 4)
2014-2022 Sportster Oil Tank (62500017) 5)

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