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EVO: Engine Mechanicals - Sub-04A

Installing the Rocker Boxes

Bolt Installation Sequence

The FSM details the proper installation sequence of the bolts.
Installing the bolts in the proper order prevents potentially warpage of the cover(s).
It also mentions making sure that both valves are closed prior to removal.

On assembly, it's even more important to slowly tighten things in the proper order to allow the lifters to bleed down.
(prevents things like bent push rods and destroying the cam bushings).
Also, make sure you can spin the push rods BEFORE turning the motor over the first time.
Obviously, you can skip these steps and get lucky.
But, why? Just follow the manual, it's easy enough to do correctly.

Below are pictures of the lower rocker box.
The circled areas are where the bolts would be:

On assembly: 1)

  • Work in this order. Blue→red→yellow.
    It is suggested to do this slowly (one turn at a time) and for the blue ones to do it in a cross pattern.
    This is to bleed the lifters properly.
  • An easy way to remember the order is to work from the larger bolts to the smaller ones.

Torque values:
Installing the bolts in the correct order doesn't take much longer and saves some potential headaches.
While many experienced guys won't use a torque wrench on the smaller fasteners, it is suggested to use one.
It doesn't take much to strip one of these for new or experienced mechanics.

  • Blue - 18-22 ft-lbs
  • Red - 135-155 in-lbs
  • Yellow - 135-155 in-lbs
91-03 style lower rocker box 2)04 and up style lower rocker box 3)

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