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IH: Engine Mechanicals - Sub-04A

Splitting Rocker Boxes

Removing the boxes and head together is far less frustrating. 1)
Otherwise you've just invented a new 'chinese puzzle'.

Pros and Cons of Functionality

There are arguments on either side in respect to the functionality of splitting the rocker boxes.

If the rocker covers are doing a “hula dance” when in one full piece; 2)
Once they are split, each half is no longer reacting to the flex caused by the opposing side and is therefore more stable.

Turn your rocker box upside down and look at how it attaches to the head in comparison to the contact points of the rocker arm.
You can see how far the pushrod end of the rocker would be from a supporting bolt if you split the box and lose that outer bolt.
Now consider that the rocker ratio is 1.42:1 and your pushrod is on the short end of that lever.
That means the valve spring pressure is multiplied by 1.42 on that end of the rocker arm.
And all of it's support is coming from that aluminum casting.
So, at a typical seat pressure of 125 lbs., the pushrod sees 177 lbs. and if the spring pressure at full lift is a typical 300lbs.
That's 426 lbs. at the pushrod end of the rocker.
This is all happening in less than the blink of an eye.
In fact 29 times per second at a cruise speed of 3500 RPM.
Add in some really long pushrods that are compressing and recoiling with each cycle and we have some real monkey motion going on.
If you don't think your pushrods can be compressing, place one end of an iron bar on the floor and strike the other end with a hammer.
The iron bar jumps off the floor back at you from the energy wave traveling down the bar , reversing , and coming back up.
Your pushrods are doing the same thing 29 times a second at 3500 rpm.
The last thing we want is to make things less rigid.

Even on dead stock valve train the naked eye can actually see the pushrod end of split boxes flex when pushing the kicker thru. 3)
They flex at zero rpm. Imagine what happens when you toss some serious valve train accel's in the mix.
Nobody likes leaking rocker box gaskets but people are always dealing with box gaskets going in the crapper.
When they fail they migrate out from under the gasket surface of box.
80% of those are one thing, gasket goop.
Gooped gaskets just don't hold up as well as naked ones.
Goop makes them squeeze out from under the box somehow.
When naked gaskets let loose, they tend to split down the center of the paper then walk out both ways.
(to the outside and to the spring chamber)
In most of these cases you find the center bolt is dead loose and the gasket washer it's supposed to be pinching is nowhere to be found.
The flexing box has ripped the gasket fibers apart.
Using no gaskets eliminates all that nonsense but you will have seepage.
Want no seepage and long gasket life?
Don't use goop on the gaskets but rather or use anti-seize and leave that center bolt gasket out.
(or optionally replace it with a hard shim)
Box flex is real and it doesn't have to be.

When using dual plug heads; 4)
Logically the 2nd plug should be positioned as a mirror image of the original plug.
When you do that, you cut directly into the center box-bolt boss on head rendering it useless.
Some builders wont consider no bolt integrity as viable.
So they move the plug farther down as a better option.

Cut Down

Cutting the middle down achieves 'the look' while keeping the rigidity and good gasket sealing.
The trickiest part is making a shortened tap and keeping it dead on true to both holes so nothing binds on assembly of the crossover oil line.

These were assembled with Loctite and ferrule fittings. 5)

Fully Split

A piece of angle iron holds down the center bolt section and also serves as a place to the mount air cleaner/carburetor stabilizer brackets. 6)
Machined little oil coolers help add some extra cooling for the exhaust area.

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