IH: Oiling & Lubrication - Sub-04L

Pics and Information on 1983-1993 Sportster Oil Tanks

See also in the Sportsterpedia;
….. *57-85 Oil Line Routing
….. *1986-Up Oil Line Routing
….. *Pics and Information on stock IH Battery Trays and Parts
….. *Pics and Information on stock EVO Battery Trays and Parts

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Oil tank (62475-83 ) was used from 1983-1993. The tank is painted black with a chrome cover.
There are four hose fittings with the forth being a drain hose that runs to the left side of the bike to a welded nipple under the battery tray.
The starter relay, E93< (31506-79B), >L93 (31504-91A) is attached to the rear of the oil tank with a #10-24 x 3/8“ hex head screw and star washer.

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