MiscRes: FSMs

Factory Service Manual (FSM) for Sportsters

AKA Field Service Manual 1)

What manuals do you need to maintain your ride?

At minimum, you should have a Factory Service Manual (FSM) and a Parts Catalog made for your year model.
The FSM has the most accurate information on your year model.
The parts catalog has parts listings, of course, plus exploded diagrams to help understand how most of the parts go together.
Although, the parts books are not intended as assembly manuals and descrepancies do apply.

2001-up models also have an Electrical Diagnostic Manual, some models have an updated manual as well.
These manuals are important for diagnosing all the electrical doo-dads on 2001-up models.

On disassembly / reassembly, there are certain parts that are a no brainer. Take this bolt out and remove the part.
There are other parts that need further parts removed or retained before disassembly.
Failure to go through the proper steps can lead to engine failure.
So the service manual should be regarded as the FIRST TOOL that you'll need for your Sportster.

Purpose of the FSM

Quote from the Factory Service Manual:

This service and repair manual has been prepared with two purposes in mind.
First, it will acquaint the reader with the construction of the Harley-Davidson product and assist him in performing basic maintenance and repair.
Secondly, it will introduce to the professional Harley-Davidson mechanic the latest field-tested and factory-approved major repair methods.
We sincerely believe that this manual will make your association with Harley-Davidson products more pleasant and profitable. \\

The practices set out in these manuals is NOT necessarily the same procedures used to build the bike at the factory.
Hence the alternate name for the FSM being “Field Service Manual”.

1959-1969 FSMs were basically the same exact book with some revision pages.
Example, a 1960 service manual IS a 1959 manual with the inside cover changed to show a 1960 Sportster on it.
The only thing that changed might be if a procedure or something changed. If so, the bottom of the page will have a revision date.
No revised date = the same exact page, from the year before, copied to the new manual.
That is apparent due to the body of illustrations hardly ever changing and degraded illustrations and / or text in each subsequent year manual.
It can seem as if nobody told the book maker to always use the original pages to make copies.
Older illustrations are much more clear than the newer ones.
What changed yearly / periodically was the outside and inside covers unless revision pages were needed.

Purpose of the OEM Electrical Diagnostics Manual (EDM) for 2001-up

For 2000 and previous models, the electrical diagnostics were a part of the FSM.
Starting in 2001, HD added another manual / publication to the list of service manuals.
The FSMs were getting thicker with more pages and the electrical diagnostics were expanded out into their own manual.
So the EDM is basically an extra FSM for specific electrical diagnostic and troubleshooting issues for each year model 2001-up.

Quote from the Factory EDM;

This electrical diagnostic service manual has been prepared with two purposes in mind.
First, it will acquaint the user with the construction of the Harley-Davidson product and assist in the performance of repair.
Secondly, it will introduce to the professional Harley-Davidson Technician the latest field tested and factory-approved diagnostic methods.
We sincerely believe that this manual will make your association with Harley-Davidson products more pleasant and profitable. \\

Diagnostics / troubleshooting for the starting system, charging system, turn signals, ECM, among others are now in the electronics manual.
The EDM also has diagnostic code troubleshooting along with related wiring connectors and wiring diagrams.

Which brand service manual should you buy?

Accurate information is the most important factor in owning a service manual.
All manuals (including HD manuals) have errors from time to time.
However and by far, HD manuals have the most accurate information available. So, in order below:

  1. Buy an HD service manual for your year model.
    Buy an HD parts catalog for your year model.
  2. Buy an aftermarket service manual or even two different brand aftermarket manuals if desired, after you have the factory manual.

Where to buy HD service manuals?

  • Go to your local dealership or visit Harley Davidson online.
  • Links for ordering parts from HD:
    If the manual(s) you want don't show up on the site, I'd ring them or email them.
    Their site might not be updated yet, but they will be able to get the manuals for you. 2)
  • You can also buy new and used factory manuals on Ebay or online motorcycle shops etc.

HD manuals are generally more expensive than aftermarket manuals

There are those that believe that the MoCo is just out to make big money off their products.
And who's to say that isn't true. That is the goal of ALL businesses. And HD is a business.
HD prices their manuals based off the profit they need off the end sale.
So that argument is really rhetorical in nature.

Aftermarket manual companies are also a business. They price their manuals based on what they can get by listing.
But they also don't build and maintain motorcycles. So their overhead is significantly lower than HD.
Likewise they can sell their manuals cheaper than HD.

So you can “stick it to the man” purchasing an aftermarket manual instead.
But the information in it may just cost you a lot more than if you'd bought the factory manual.
No company is sanctioned to make / sell HD manuals without HD's approval.
So aftermarkets would have to get their “technical” information out of HD manuals.
But consider this, one visit to the dealership to get them to do something you could have done yourself, is going to cost you more than $100.
The factory manual is worth it. 5)

There is nothing wrong with buying a used factory manual

Unless you are buying a manual to resell it later, you can go to online retailors, Ebay or others to purchase used factory manuals.
There is also something to be said about a used manual.
Someone before you had it and put those smudge marks and oil stains on it while wrenching on their Sportster.
So in a way and besides it being cheaper than new, that book is retaining history.
As long as the pages aren't ripped or missing, it's the same as a new one….. without the new smell.

Anything wrong with having an HD manual as well as aftermarket manuals?

Absolutely not. As a matter of fact, that is the best possible place to be.
Having as much information as possible gives a person more pictures, examples, details and perspectives.
Sometimes it's just a bad angle of a picture or confused wording that may stumble you.
Or it may be missing or inferred information in one manual that is better explained in another.
Especially in the older HD manuals, some parts just appear off the bike and details emerge about that part.
Other manuals may go through all the steps to get the part off the bike and into your hand.
So yes, having aftermarket manuals as well as HD manuals can be a good thing.
But damages incurred because an aftermarket manual failed to mention something in the factory manual is not good.

Understandably, people who do not have access to a local or even mail order HD business do have problems geting factory manuals.
But they are worth holding out for instead of faltering to aftermarket manuals alone.
And for the most part, aftermarket manuals should get you by until you can come across a factory manual.
Just don't be surprised if you find more erroneous information in the aftermarkets.

Are aftermarket manuals the same as HD manuals?

They are not a reprint of the factory manuals. They are someone else's interpretation of the factory manuals.
Wording is different, pictures are different and the specs do not always match HD manual specs.

Some aftermarket service manual providers include; Haynes, Clymer and Peterson's.
Yes the increased amount of pictures is definitely a bonus.
Yes, there are generally more pictures and references to other tools on the market that you can use.
Also beware that cheap tools sometimes yield cheap results. That's not to say they won't work or work well.
But HD doesn't get into listing all the tools on the market.
They would have to vet all of them on a weekly basis to keep up with all the pop-up tools on the market these days.
HD lists tools specific for the jobs at hand and a large part of those are specifically made by or for HD.
If a cheap wrench will do the job instead, there is no problem using it.
But the old saying still works, if you are gonna stay and play, you gotta pay.
If you are going to wrench on your ride, you have to buy or make the wrenches.
It's up to the individual to decide which to buy with the recommendations in the manuals being just that.
There is always another way to skin a cat.

Both the Clymer and Haynes manuals have some good tips that just are not in the FSM. 6)

But do yourself a favor and have an HD manual on hand.

Beware of long year-span aftermarket manuals

Changes between two adjacent year models may not always be in them.
From 1986-2003, there were many changes made.
However, all of the changes most likely will not be listed in a Clymer 1986-2003 service manual.
Things like oil capacities, engine specs, torque specs and etc. will most likely be listed for the newer year models.
One year (only) information will most likely not be in long year-span manuals.
Having a manual that is written just for your year model should have the most accurate information for that year.
Haynes has a 1970-2001 Sportster service manual.
The manual mixes information from Ironheads and Evos into the same book when these are totally different animals.

Master Service Manuals (1959-1965)

In 1959, HD implemented a Service Manual program.
It consisted of a Master service manuals and Individual Model manuals.
Master FSMs covered the complete model line and was only sold to dealerships.
Customer service manuals for individual models were sold to the general public. 7) 8) 9) 10)

Prior to 1959, there were no service manuals published.
1957-1958 owners were told through the first (1959) FSM that most of the information will be correct for 1957-1958 models as well.

Master Service Manuals were sold to dealerships from 1959-1965 (skipping the year 1961).
There were no list prices for these type manuals and they were restricted to HD dealers because they contained confidential information.
(read as service bulletins not available to the public)
Each master service manual contains maintenance and repair information for all models covered with card separators between different sections.
Pages were loose leaf bound to allow pages to be added or taken out.
The master service manuals were discontinued because the addition of more models to the Harley-Davidson line made the manuals too large. 11)

  • Master service manuals were divided into seven different informational sections including: 12)
    • Dealer - section 0: This section is for Service Bulletins and updates from the MoCo (design changes, new tools, etc).
    • Product - section 1
    • Chassis - section 2
    • Engine - section 3
    • Transmission - section 4
    • Electrical - section 5
    • Miscellaneous - section 6
  • Supplemental master manuals were sold to dealerships from 1960-1965 (skipping 1961)
    They could be purchased to update the previous year full service manual.
    So the dealerships had the option of just buying the supplements instead of paying for a new full manual.
    The supplement pages were to update any new changes / converting earlier service manuals to cover the current models.
    They were all in loose leaf binders so updating a manual simply consisted of removing revised pages and inserting the respective new pages.
    In 1966, the MoCo offered individual model supplements but no more all model master supplement packages.
Factory Master Service Manuals
Catalog #Year SpanModels Covered Full Catalog Use to Update
Catalog #
Dealer Price
99480-591957-1959Duo Glide, Sportster,
Servi-Car, Model 165 and Hummer
Yes X $15.00 13)
99480-601959-1960All Models Yes X $18.00 14)
99481-601960Supplement to 1959 FSM, all models No 99480-59 $10.00 15)
1961 service manuals were not published. See service bulletin #456
99480-621959-1962All models Yes X $21.00 16)
99481-621962Supplement to 1960 FSM, all models No 99480-60 $10.00 17)
99480-631959-1963All models Yes X $21.00 18)
99481-631963Supplement to 1962 FSM, all models No 99480-62 $6.00 19)
99480-641959-1964All models Yes X ?
99481-641964Supplement to 1963 FSM, all models No 99480-63 ?
99480-651959-1965All models Yes X $23.50 20)
99481-651965Supplement to 1964 FSM, all models No 99480-64 $8.00 21)

Individual Model Service Manuals

Individual Model Service Manuals could be purchased by anyone from HD dealerships.
They were also recommended to have on hand in dealer service departments (instead of the master manuals) for quick reference.

These manuals cover maintenance and repair information for only one model.
They are also divided into sections like the Master Manual but do not have the Dealer section for Service Bulletin information.
These were also loose leaf bound until the mid 1970's and could be updated with new model year supplements or a new full manual could be purchased.

  • Early Individual service manuals were divided into six different informational sections including: 22)
    • Product - section 1
    • Chassis - section 2
    • Engine - section 3
    • Transmission - section 4
    • Electrical - section 5
    • Miscellaneous - section 6

Starting in 1970, the card stock dividers were deleted and the inside cover contained more of a menu with page numbers to the six different sections.
Later, the name of the sections were progressively changed into more of a detailed menu to the various subjects.

Factory Individual Model Service Manuals for Sportsters
Catalog #Year Span Dealer Price List Price Notes Pics of Covers
Click to View
99484-591957-1959$4.00$5.00Complete loose leaf service manualOutside Cover
Inside Cover
99484-601959-1960$4.00$5.00Complete loose leaf service manualOutside Cover
Inside Cover
99485-601960$1.50$2.00Loose leaf supplement set
Updates service manual (99484-59)
1961 service manuals were not published. See service bulletin #456
99484-621959-1962$4.00$5.00Complete loose leaf service manualOutside Cover
Inside Cover
99485-621962$1.00$1.50Loose leaf supplement set
Updates service manual (99484-60)
99484-631959-1963$4.00$5.00Complete loose leaf service manualOutside Cover
Inside Cover
99485-631963$0.75$1.00Loose leaf supplement set
Updates service manual (99484-62)
99480-641959-1964 ? ? Complete loose leaf service manualOutside Cover
Inside Cover
99485-641964 ? ? Loose leaf supplement set
Updates service manual (99484-63)
99484-651959-1965$4.00$5.00Complete loose leaf service manualOutside Cover
inside cover needed
99485-651965$1.70$2.25Loose leaf supplement set
Updates service manual (99484-64)
99484-661959-1966$4.00$5.00Complete loose leaf service manualOutside Cover
Inside Cover
99485-661966$1.90$2.50Loose leaf supplement set
Updates service manual (99484-64)
Catalog #Year SpanNotes
99484-671959-1967Complete original loose leaf service manualOutside Cover
Inside Cover
99484-681959-1968Complete original loose leaf service manualOutside Cover
inside cover needed
99484-691959-1969Complete original loose leaf service manualOutside Cover
Inside Cover
99484-69Complete glued binder reprint service manualLatest Edition Cover
99484-701970Complete original loose leaf service manualOutside Cover
99484-711970-1971Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-721970-1972Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-731970-1973Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-741970-1974Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-751970-1975Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-761970-1976Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-771970-1977Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-781970-1978Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-791979Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-801979-1980Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-811979-1981Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-821979-1982Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-831979-1983Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-83SL1983Supplement service manual updates 1983 FSM (99484-83)
Includes changes for XR-1000
Outside Cover
99484-841979-E1984Complete original service manual
Does not include changes for L1984 alternator engine
Outside Cover
99484-84SL1984Supplement service manual updates 1984 FSM (99484-84)
Includes changes for L1984 alternator engine only
Outside Cover
Supplement Letter
99484-851979-1985Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-861986Complete original service manualOutside Cover
XXXXX-XXComplete (dealer only) edition, no part#Dealer (only) Cover
99484-871986-1987Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-881986-1988Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-891986-1989Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-901986-1990Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99948-90Electrical Wiring Diagrams (All Models)Outside Cover
99484-911991Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-921991-1992Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99948-92Electrical Wiring Diagrams & Troubleshooting Guide (All Models)Outside Cover
99484-931993Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-941993-1994Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99948-94Electrical Wiring Diagrams & Troubleshooting Guide (All Models)Outside Cover
99484-951995Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-95AComplete updated service manualOutside Cover
99484-961995-1996Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99948-96Electrical Wiring Diagrams & Troubleshooting Guide (All Models)Outside Cover
99484-971997Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99948-97Electrical Wiring Diagrams & Troubleshooting Guide (All Models)Outside Cover
99484-981998Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99948-98Electrical Wiring Diagrams & Troubleshooting Guide (All Models)Outside Cover
99484-991999Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-002000Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-012001Complete service manualOutside Cover
99495-01Original electrical diagnostic two manual set
for XLH / Dyna / Softail / FLT models
V-I Outside Cover
V-II Outside Cover
99484-022002Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-02AComplete updated service manualOutside Cover
99495-02Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
99484-032003Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99495-03Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
99484-042004Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99495-04Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
99495-04AUpdated electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
99484-052005Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99495-05Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
99484-062006Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99495-06Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
99484-072007Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-07AComplete updated service manualOutside Cover
99495-07Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
99484-082008Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-08AComplete updated service manualOutside Cover
99495-08Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
99484-092009Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99495-09Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
99484-102010Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-10AComplete updated service manualOutside Cover
99495-10Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
99484-112011Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-11AComplete updated service manualOutside Cover
99495-11Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
99484-122012Complete original service manualOutside Cover
99484-12AComplete updated service manualOutside Cover
99495-12Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
99484-132013Complete service manualOutside Cover
99495-13Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
99484-142014Complete service manualOutside Cover
99484-14AComplete updated service manualOutside Cover
99495-14Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
99484-152015Complete service manualOutside Cover
99495-15Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
99484-162016Complete service manualOutside Cover
99484-16AComplete updated service manualOutside Cover
99495-16Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
940003842017Complete service manualOutside Cover
94000392Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
940005752018Complete service manualOutside Cover
94000504Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
940005462019Complete service manualOutside Cover
94000553Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover
940007392020Complete service manualOutside Cover
94000733Original electrical diagnostic manualOutside Cover

1959-1969 FSM Section Dividers

From 1959 to the sometime in the 1970s, FSMs were compiled of loose leaf pages.
From 1959-1969, the different sections in the manuals were separated by card stock dividers.
Below are pics of the different dividers known to date.

Known Errors in Service Manuals

Note: There are a lot more errors than listed below in service manuals over the years. More will be added when found.

Year Model FSM / OtherPage No.(s)Error Noted
1959-1985 FSMsVariousRocker arm acorn nut torque missing or incorrect
1959-1969 FSM only says “securely tighten”
1070-1978 FSM says “securely tighten to 60-65 ft/lbs
1979-1985 FSM says “tighten to 8-16 ft/lbs”
CorrectionIn TSB M-813 dated January 30, 1981, is stated as follows;
“It has been brought to our attention that the torque value, given in the XL Service Manual,
for the rocker arm acorn nuts is incorrect. The correct torque value should be 15-20 ft-lbs”
1986 FSM3-10(1) @ 3500 rpm, oil pressure will vary from 5-30 psi.
6-30Countershaft end play thrust washer chart, 2nd entry says;
“if end play is 0.082”-0.086”, use 2 shims“
Correction(1) Stated rpm was corrected in future FSMs: @ 2500 rpm, oil pressure will vary from 5-30 psi. 23)
(2) This was corrected to 1 shim in TSB M-915 dated November 5, 1985
1991 FSM2-1(1) Shows 1.5 pints of oil for the primary / transmission.
7-18(2) Figure 7-14 shows the induction probe clamped around all three wires
within the conduit connected to the voltage regulator.
3-47Figure 3-56 shows either “T” or “C” cams. A sticker was included with the
manual to place over that text to read “D” cams instead.
Correction(1) This was corrected in the 1991-1992 FSM showing 40 oz for both years. 24)
Read more on Transmission / Primary Oil in the Sportsterpedia
(2) TSB M-1000, dated October 5, 1990, correction:
Induction probe should be clamped around the output wire (dc current), main circuit breaker only.
The two wires to the alternator stator (a.c. current) are not a part of this test.
Some 1997 FSMs7-61
Chart 1: Turn Signal Troubleshooting Section (Chart 1) has an incomplete box.
Turn Signal Troubleshooting Section Chart 3: Three boxes are missing.
CorrectionChart 1: The lower right hand box reading “See Chart 2” should read;
“See Chart 2 of Speedometer Troubleshooting”.
Delete diagnostic Note 1 in Chart 1 of Turn Signal Troubleshooting from the XL manual.
Chart 3: The boxes were filled in on the service bulletin.
See TSB M-1064 dated January 24, 1997 for corrections to the charts.
2001 XL
Electrical Diagnostic Manual
4-51, 4-54Has a connector wire location error. 25)
CorrectionIn connector 10, pin #4 should be Pink and pin #5 should be LtGn/Gy.
Please make note of these changes.
(on the wiring diagram on page 4-51 and to the three diagnostic boxes on page 4-54)
2004 FSM6.10(1) Greasing mainshaft / bearings before assembly left off the assm insts.
2-66, 2-67(2) Fork Stem Lower Bearing–Procedural Change
1-51(3) Under BRAKE COMPONENT GREASE reads:
“use G40M to lubricate brake system components”
Several more corrections for lube and installation (see TSB M-1178)
Correction(1) See TSB M-1158 dated July 20, 2004 and Tech Tip #58 portion dated 5-24-2004
(2) Step 4a under CLEANING, INSPECTION AND REPAIR should read: The lower bearing cone
is no longer a press fit on the fork stem. Remove lower bearing cone by sliding it up and off fork
stem. If necessary, gently pry bearing cone off fork stem with a pair of flat blade screw drivers.
Remove lower dust shield.
Correct step 7 page 2-66 under ASSEMBLY to read: Pour 11.6 fl oz. (342 ml) of type “E”
hydraulic fork oil into top end of slider tube. Install slider tube cap with O-ring.
Tighten to 22-58 ft-lbs (29.9-78.7Nm). 26)
(3) Use only CCI #20 BRAKE GREASE to lubricate master cylinder bores,
pistons, and primary and secondary cups. Use only G40M BRAKE GREASE
to lubricate all other brake system components.” 27)
Electrical Diagnostic Manual
4-1(1) The spark timing advance is wrong on the first table on the page
1-19(2) Wrong info in step 3 under Current and Voltage Output Test
Correction (1) The data entry should read “0°-58° BTDC (range), 10° BTDC @ 1000 RPM”.
(2) Current output should be 19-23 amps.
Make note of measurement for Total Current Draw Test.
2005 FSMbrake
Several corrections for lube and installation
CorrectionSee TSB M-1178 for specific information.
2006 FSMbrake
(1) Several corrections for lube and installation.
(2) Wrong steering stem bolt, rear fender ICM lock nut, oil tank ICM
lock nut, engine sprocket nut torque specs. Main drive gear needle
bearing spec needs changing, plus minor turns and handlebar switch wordings.
Errors in transmission gear ratio chart.
Correction(1) See TSB M-1178 for specific information.
(2) See TSB M-1181 for corrections.
Electrical Diagnostic Manual
VariousTSSM Key Fob Assignment, TSSM Alarm Sensitivity and function wording
CorrectionsSee TSB M-1181 for corrections
Electrical Diagnostic Manual
VariosUpdates and corrections needed.
CorrectionsSee TSB M-1206 for corrections.
2008 FSMVariousRear sprocket mounting screw torque procedure.
CorrectionUnder 2.3 WHEELS in the ASSEMBLY instructions, correct step 3, item b to read:
“Initially tighten screws to 60 ft-lbs (81.3 Nm). Back off screws and retighten to 80 ft-lbs (108.5 Nm).”
In Table 1-19, correct Final drive / Rear sprocket mounting screws torque to read:
“60 ft-lbs, loosen, 80 ftlbs / 81.3 Nm, loosen, 108.5 Nm”. 28)
2008-2014VariousPrimary cover screws torque spec is incorrect.
These threads have stripped at 90 in/lbs for some.
2008 manual gave two values (40-60 in/lbs) and (84-120 in/lbs),
whereas the 2013 manual has (90-120 in-lbs) and (100-120 in-lbs). 29)
CorrectionTorque should be 40-60 in/lbs (4.6-6.8 Nm) as in the Owners Manuals 30)
2014 FSM4-1, 4-26(1) Exhaust Flange Nut Torque 96-120 ft.-lbs. (10.8-13.6 Nm)
2-1(2) Fork Oil Change–Specs and Procedural Changes
Correction (1) Torque should be 96-120 in-lbs. (10.8-13.6 Nm) 31)
(2) See TSB M-1158 for corrections to Table 2-3 Capacities
2016 FSM version -16AApprox 2-76Section titled Front Forks is missing Fork Draining Procedure
Correction See -16 & -17 FSM. Follow removal procedure carefully, then turn upside down over pan & pump fork to expel oil 32)


HD Service Bulletin #403 dated December 15, 1958
HD Service Bulletin #415 dated February 15, 1960 pg OA-1 ((HD Service Bulletin #456 dated December 7, 1961 pg OA-1
HD Service Bulletin #470 dated January 31, 1963 pg OA-1
HD Service Bulletin #495dated September 18, 1965 pg OA-1
TSB #528 dated December 31, 1965
12) , 22)
HD Service Bulletin #403 dated December 15, 1958 pg OA-1
TSB #403 dated December 15, 1958
14) , 15)
TSB #415 dated February 15, 1960
16) , 17)
TSB #456 dated December 7, 1961
18) , 19)
TSB #470 dated January 31, 1963
20) , 21)
TSB #495 dated September 18, 1965
86-88 HD FSM pg 3-10
1991-1992 HD Sportster FSM pg 2-1
HD Tech Tip #54 dated June 2001
TSB M-1158 dated July 20, 2004
TSB M-1178 dated October 19, 2005
TSB M-1219 dated April 15, 2008
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