MiscRes: Parts Catalogs

Factory Parts Catalogs

This article is a joint effort by Hippysmack and IXL2Relax with some helpful guidance from the XLFORUM.
See also the List of Parts Catalogs in the chart below.

  • In addition to owning a service manual, the next best piece of literature you can own for your bike is a factory parts catalog (AKA factory parts manual 1) or parts book) for your year model. The parts catalog is designed to list all parts for replacement associated with your year model motorcycle which should not be confused with the parts and accessories catalog 2) which references custom accessory parts, bags, clothing etc.
  • Having the service manual and parts catalog by your side while you are working on the bike provides you a ready reference to help answer questions that might arise. 3) Most parts catalogs include some exploded Parts Diagrams which may also help when some unexpected part hits the floor and you want to know where to put it back.
  • There are also Online HD dealers who sell parts and provide images of the parts catalog pages for reference with a listing of the part numbers and prices to purchase. Some dealers have the updated part numbers listed, while others may have only the part number available at the time the page images were created.
  • There are many uses for the factory parts catalog.

Choosing the Right Parts Catalog for Your Year Model

Determining Your Needs

  • Deciding why you need a parts catalog will determine which one (as in the catalog part number) and how many catalogs or versions you want or need (if any).
  • For General Parts Ordering: Most any edition covering your year model will suffice when ordering from the MoCo since they will have the most current information on what you can order. Giving them the part number from your book, rather than simply a description of the thing under the lever, will cut down on their searching and possible confusion of what you need.
  • See also the Ordering Parts section below.
  • If You Have a Mid-Year Introduction Bike: You’ll probably want the updated edition for your year model which, most likely, would be the -xxA catalog number. Since a first edition catalog was designed for the start of the season, mid-year changes will probably not be in the first edition catalogs. But, that would depend on the issue date of the catalog as opposed to the new part’s implementation date. All catalogs were not published at the same time each year.
  • See also Parts Catalog Editions to help distinguish between the different versions of a parts catalog for your year model.
  • For Restoring or Historical Reference: If you’re wanting to know what parts came factory installed on your bike, the first edition parts catalog is probably your best bet. If that is pre-1979 and your bike year model is not in a ‘full catalog’ year and you’re a stickler for the facts, you may want to invest in a supplement catalog in addition to the full catalog that it supplements instead of the -78A (published in 1981) or -78B (published in 1989). The 79-85 parts catalogs are the same also with the -85 (published in 1985) and the -85A (published in 1990). This isn’t necessarily a bad thing as the MoCo tried to keep parts ordering up to date for your ride. It just makes it more challenging, for those trying to restore their bikes to original parts or to verify factory installed parts when the bike was new. Some Technical Service Bulletins give dates, VINs and / or engine numbers for when procedure or part changes occurred. Lastly, the 79-85 parts catalog does not list parts for earlier bikes although parts in that catalog will fit prior years.
  • These also may be important to you;

Ordering Parts

Direct From Your Local Dealership

  • Sounds obvious enough but sometimes, especially with phone in orders, when to explain the part you need, without having part numbers, confusion between the customer and the MoCo parts department can end up with you receiving the wrong part after waiting a week for it to arrive, delaying your project while you re-order. If you could give the correct part number to them, it will sometimes smooth out your transaction.
  • The MoCo will often have an updated part number for a parts upgrade that they are now selling instead of the number / part in your catalog. But, with you having the original part number, it will help them zero in on the part you’re needing. Generally, it can be said that upgraded parts work better than the originals as time and experience shows many flaws. But, that is not always helpful when buying elsewhere since some parts were upgraded to match other parts that were upgraded and are not compatible with other original parts. When ordering from the MoCo, they should be able to tell you of any changes needed to use the upgraded parts especially with parts and accessory items. But, in general, the MoCo doesn’t get into modifications of OEM parts.
  • Many parts for older bikes are obsolete for parts ordering from HD unless they are universal enough not get too cold on the shelf.
  • We also have to deal with Parts Catalog Errors and Inefficiencies

Searching Online HD Dealer Parts Catalogs (Microfiche):

  • There are a number of HD dealers online that provide virtual parts catalogs from which to order replacement parts. These online microfiche include images and part numbers to help a customer order the right parts. This online service is actually provided by a third party that creates parts catalogs for many different manufacturers of a variety of products. The online images appear to be taken directly from one of the physical HD parts catalogs and most often are accurate. However, you do not have a choice of what version of the physical catalog is presented as your online virtual catalog.
  • When using the online resource, you will be asked for a very specific model and a particular section of the bike you wish to see, such as the Front Forks. The displayed information will be divided into two parts, the illustrated diagram and the part number listing (with descriptions). The image can be enlarged with typical web browser functions (mouse wheel, Control + or -, etc.). If you want to use the illustrations as a reference when working on the bike, you may need to find a way (various browsers make this easier than others) to capture the images so they can be printed on paper to take to the bike.
  • These virtual online catalogs are intended to give you the part number you need to order from this particular dealer at this time. If a part number has been obsoleted and the dealer has no stock of the old part number, there will be no price listed. Also. if the virtual catalogs have not been kept up to date, they may list older part numbers than the currently available versions. 4) When ordering, you might want to ask the dealer if any of your ordered parts have been superseded by later variations. Or, you may want to ask them for that particular part number instead of a later version if you are attempting to restore your bike to an original configuration.
  • In many cases, the parts images provided of a particular section of the bike in the online virtual catalogs cover many models of that year. That means some of the illustrated parts may not be valid for the model you have chosen. In such cases, that part is not listed in the part number portion of the catalog – it is simply ignored. An example may be where illustrating the front wheels & brakes, a model that has only a left-side brake may still use an illustration that shows brakes for both sides. Here, in the parts listings, only the left-side parts would be listed with the right-side parts wholly missing from the part number listings.
  • Some of the online resources provide a way to enter a part number to be searched with the response being a listing of models for which that part is specified.
  • Some online virtual catalogs do not show part numbers for the obsolete parts (no longer carried by the factory parts system). Some vendors will show the obsolete part but have no price. Sometimes, if a part has been replaced with a new part (& PN), they only show the new PN, meaning you cannot determine the old part number. 5)
  • Since the MoCo has started to implement an entirely new part numbering scheme, without a year-based suffix, part number tracking will become more complicated in the future.

General Purchases on the Net

  • You can still find NOS (New Old Stock) original parts on the web from time to time and from some of the NOS online stores.
  • When buying from online auctions or bulletins etc., it helps to already know the part number you need especially when dealing with vendors that also sell old slippers and antique cigar boxes but just happened to have come across this HD part they’re unfamiliar with. That way at least, you know if the part number they list is suppose to fit your bike (if their number is correct, that is).

Parts Diagrams

  • Some of the illustrations in the parts catalogs also double as an ‘assembly order’ to help give you a visual example of how the parts fit together. Sometimes it helps seeing the exploded parts diagrams, 6) so the parts catalog is handy to have even if it's just for the exploded views to be used during disassembly & reassembly. 7)
  • The illustrations also show what parts are supposed to be there. This helps to determine if something may have gotten left out when the previous owner had the bike.
  • Many of the illustrations do show the correct features of the different parts i.e. a washer with or without a tang, 7 or 9 spokes on cast rims, or the different features of a handlebar. Many of these features are not mentioned in the text of the catalog.
  • Some of the online parts stores have the exploded diagrams posted, but they can be very small or you can only see a bit of the diagram at a time. 8) If you want to use them for reference, you may need to print off the image as a full page diagram.

Cross Referencing Parts

  • The parts catalog shows the parts for all the different Sportsters for the year(s) that certain book services instead of one model at a time.
  • For OEM parts: Long year span parts catalogs (53-63 or 86-90 etc.) or the practice of owning many parts catalogs can help determine which year models shared the same part number. Just keep in mind, the parts listed are the ones that were in circulation at the time the catalog was written, not necessarily the original part number or the current part number. Consequently, part updates / upgrades may be listed instead of what parts came factory installed unless the parts are specific to only certain models and still currently being sold by the MoCo.
  • From aftermarket sources: Aftermarket parts most likely will have their own part number for an item and some will also list the corresponding HD part number as well. In the case of several different variants of a part, knowing the HD equivalent can be an important factor in getting the right part.

Obtaining Part Specific Information

  • A few entries may carry additional information besides the part # and year model(s) fitment. They may include color or size and some even have dimensions.
  • The back pages of the catalogs have a listing of all part numbers that are included in that certain catalog and the page where they are listed. This is helpful when trying to find out if a known part number was listed for parts ordering for the duration year of that catalog. An example is when you find an OEM part online that is supposed to fit your bike but there was no mention of it in the parts catalog. It may or may not fit a Sportster. The parts numbers from either the catalogs or the online parts dealers can suffer from mistakes.
  • Most parts catalogs include at least some fastener dimensions in the back pages also.

Looking for Parts That Were Factory Installed on Your Year Model

  • This is where things get confusing. The MoCo created the parts catalogs, not for the historical penning of the exact parts that came on each year model but, for replacement of the original parts during maintenance after the sale. This means the catalog lists the available part numbers (upgraded or changed) at the time the catalog was printed. As time goes by, original parts are upgraded or changed and the MoCo and/or their vendors will no longer make the original part. So, if they no longer sell it, they will list the new part that fits your bike in their updated parts catalog instead of the original part numbers, so you can order the currently available parts. Not that there is anything wrong with an upgraded part, it simply can be confusing when you are wondering why the part you just took off and are holding in your hand cannot be found in a newer version parts catalog or online source.
  • Check the date of issue or copyright date of the parts catalog to (hopefully) have the correct information regarding what was factory installed on a specific bike. The first edition parts catalog for that specific year model should list what was factory installed and available for parts ordering although that’s not set in stone. In reviewing the Technical Service Bulletins, it is obvious that innovation was constant at the factory.
  • Even having the first edition catalog doesn’t always help. Some new catalogs in different years came with a sheet of paper with them telling that certain pages show a different part number than it should or enclosed is the correct diagram sheet to replace the one that is currently in the book erroneously. So, the MoCo did acknowledge that there were mistakes from time to time in the parts catalogs which was relayed to the original catalog owners. But, you might not have that information when buying a used catalog. Since the dealerships used the catalogs the most, they were most likely the one to catch most of the mistakes and by then, the catalog was already in circulation. So, the mistake becomes the legend…. and cumbersome. Online catalog diagrams and parts listings may also suffer some limitations from these changes as well, especially on the older model years.
  • You can also check the Parts Catalog Chart below to see the different editions and dates of publication before you buy if that is a concern to you.

Parts Catalog Supplements

  • Getting the right parts catalog can be difficult depending on availability and application. Until the 1979 season, full parts catalogs were only made periodically instead of each year. Any changes in between the full parts catalog years was handled with a slimmer version called a parts catalog supplement. These are harder to come by than the full catalogs but still show up on the net from time to time.
  • In general, the supplement catalogs will list only part changes. It is stated on the front cover to which full catalog the supplement will update. Supplement catalogs should be used in conjunction with the full catalog (that it is supplementing) to get use of a full catalog for those year models. So, theoretically, if parts are not listed in the supplement, they would be listed and current for purchase from the previous full catalog as directed from the supplement.
  • Example, a full catalog was published for the 1971 season. But, only supplements were issued for the 72-75 seasons. Since the 1971 full catalog will not show parts changes for 1974, you would need the 74-supplement for that. However, while looking thru the 74-supplement and the part you’re looking for is not there, you would revert to the 71-full catalog for those parts not listed in the 74-supplement.
  • A 76-supplement was issued in October of 1975 and a 76-full catalog was issued in May of 1976. Theoretically, you would not need the 76-supplement if you had the 76-full catalog. But, since those two catalogs were written seven months apart, there may be changes between the two which may or may not be important to the application. It all depends on what you want the parts catalogs to do for you.

Parts Catalog Editions

  • The catalog part number for all Sportsters (excluding racing editions) is 99451-xx. The last two digits of the catalog’s part number reveal the ending year for which it services i.e. -57 for 1957 or -00 for 2000 without any added letters on the end. For long year span catalogs, it would end in -85 for a 79-85 catalog. These are referred to as first edition catalogs.
  • Parts catalog new editions / updates will have the same part number but with an added letter on the end i.e. 99451-xxA and the next edition for that specific service year would be a ‘B’ and the next would then be a ‘C’ instead (if applicable). Some new catalog editions are published towards the middle or end of that seasonal year while other new editions are published years later. So, the newer editions will reflect part numbers that are in ‘current’ circulation, when that edition was published, rather than what part number was listed in the original catalog release or came on the bike.
  • The 2nd or even 3rd generation parts catalog (if applicable) will show some different and possibly more information than the original catalog does or there wouldn’t be a need for the MoCo to print it. These changes may include upgraded parts as well as new mid-year intro bike information that wasn’t available at the time of printing the original catalog.

Parts Catalog Errors and Inefficiencies

  • Without getting into specific errors in all the parts catalogs (which would make a pretty thick paperback) there are many gremlins contributing to the body of the parts catalogs thru the years. It can be frustrating while referencing a parts catalog for your year model to find that a certain part number was omitted completely from the listing with no other part number to replace it. But, it was still available for order. Or, a part number revision / update was not included. Your experience with the parts catalog may depend on experience, necessity and / or expectations. However, a parts catalog published by the MoCo should be considered more accurate than non-OEM parts listings in general since they are the ones that built or had the parts built for our bikes and their critics were the dealerships that ordered their parts. Common sense is that aftermarket suppliers would have to get their information from the MoCo to publish / produce it. So, that would make Harley Davidson the source of their information which would have had to come from these sometimes-erroneous parts catalogs. They are not infallible, but neither are our bikes.
  • Some of the illustrations can be even more frustrating. Some show one version of a part with one footnote that leads to several versions but fails to illustrate the changes of the part. Sometimes a piece or a fastener is written in the listing but doesn’t show up at all in the adjacent illustration for assembly location. That part may or may not show up in a different illustration in the same catalog. There were a few occasions where the MoCo sent a letter along with a new parts catalog along with an addendum illustration page due to the wrong illustration being published in the beginning. This would probably have been rectified with the next edition of that catalog if an edition had been published.
  • Even with the inherent issue of errors, problems using a parts catalog could possibly be due to you not having the correct version. The year model may be correct, but the book’s part number may or may not be the version you need. See also Parts Catalog Editions.

The Ironhead Multi-Year Parts Catalog Curse

The parts catalogs can be a lifesaver in many situations as mentioned above.
They can also drive you mad at times due to the many errors and discrepancies in them largely due to the compounding amount of information they contain.
Most Ironhead parts catalogs are multi-year catalogs (many year spans of Sportster models in the same book).
There were many model and parts changes, company turmoil's and policies from the beginning Sportster years thru the end of the Ironhead era.
One can only imagine what it took to keep up with the all of the new HD models and changes for one year (especially before the digital revolution).
We're talking typewriters, pencils and erasers, drawings made by hand or on drafting tables (T-squares and straight edges) in the early days.
And at the same time having accurate “current production parts” information for all previous HD models down to the early 1950s.
All of the new information went into the next year catalogs.
(including what parts in production “today” will fit all of their HD models from 5, 10, 15 years ago depending on the year in question)

Whatever the exact reasons were, the end result was confusion placed on the end user trying to decide what parts go on their specific year model Sportster.
(obviously it wasn't grins and giggles for the dealerships deciphering the parts catalogs on their end also)

Below is a list of problems and examples of the headaches that can be achieved while searching thru Ironhead parts catalogs.
The examples may not apply to your specific year model but are not confined to the example year.
There are certainly more issues in these books than can always be found or explained in a month of searching.

Not all multi-year catalogs will list factory installed parts on your bike

Just because you see a part number in a multi-year catalog listed for your year model doesn't always mean it was the part your bike left the factory with.
As time went on, the factory found problems with existing parts that they tried to remedy with the next year(s) parts.
Some parts had to be redesigned. Some just needed a tab or bracket or a even nook or cable holder added.
And some part changes required other part changes before they could be used.
Each new year catalog SHOULD reflect those changes that were made to certain parts.
So the next year(s) catalogs may offer some parts that fit your bike but look different or need other newer parts before they'll fit.

Example: An oil tank design with a repeating leak in the same weld across the entire line means that tank gets deleted.
The replacement oil tank may need new fittings or fasteners before it could be reto-fitted to your bike.

Example: You have a 1952 K Model and are looking for parts in HD parts catalogs.
(apply whatever sticks below to your year model Sportster)

The 1957 Sportster parts catalog also covers 1952-1956 K Models.
The parts in that catalog (for 1957 Sportsters) are generally regarded as “factory original parts” for the 1957 XL.
(as in what the parts were on the 1957 XL when it left the factory)
However, other parts listed in that certain book will also fit 1952-1956 K Models.
If a part for a K Model bike was changed / upgraded in 1957, the new part# will be listed in the 1957 catalog for whatever 52-56 model it now fits.
So if one wanted to have the “closest” part number to original for a 1956 KH, the catalog ending in the year 1956 would be needed.

The next full parts catalog was written for 1959 models (1952-1959 Sportster and K Model catalog).
The same upgrade conditions apply to 1952-1958 models now.
Any parts that were changed SHOULD have different part numbers for the older bikes covered in the 1959 catalog.
But then again, some parts are changed and the part number stays the same.
Not all parts change at all. Some parts that were made on early bikes were still produced through the Evo Sportster era or longer.
And parts listed for 1959 models SHOULD be factory original parts for 1959 bikes.

The next full catalog was written for 1963 models (1953-1963 Sportster and K Model catalog).
1962 and previous models are subject to upgraded parts.
What happened that 1952 models were left out of the new catalog?
HD dropped 1952 models as being on their service list. Parts could still be purchased that were on the shelf or still in production for later models.
But 1952 (only) specific parts, if any, were no longer being made. And most of the parts in the -63 catalog would still fit 1952 bikes.
But one would have to know that ahead of time since it couldn't be found in the -63 catalog.
A 1952 catalog would be needed for OEM and a 1953 to 1959 catalog would be needed to find ANY parts that fit a 1952 model.

Fast forward to the 70's parts catalogs.
The full catalog written for the 1970 model season only covers from 1960-1970 (according to the cover).
1969 and previous models are subject to parts changes / parts listed for 1970 models SHOULD be factory installed parts.
However, part listings in that catalog do date back to 1954 models.
In fact, all parts catalogs from 1965 to 1978 list parts for 1954-up models.
1979-1985 parts catalogs do not list any parts for 1978 and older models although many of the parts will fit older models.

So for a 1965 XLCH, you'll have app. 16 catalogs from 1965 to 1978 including supplements that all list parts for a 1965 XLCH.
But there is only 1 catalog that will have the most accurate factory installed parts list for a 1965 XLCH (the 1965 edition catalog).

You may need several year catalogs to determine factory installed parts for your year model

Supplement Catalog Year Model:
Full catalogs were made periodically instead of by each year as they are now. See the full list of catalogs and supplements in the table below.
In between the years that full catalogs were made, there were supplement catalogs printed for years without a full catalog.
1957 had a full catalog with a supplement catalog in 1958. The supplement only lists parts changes for 1958 models that were not printed in the 1957 catalog.
Any parts that the 1958 models carry that are shared by 1957 models will be in the 1957 full parts catalog.
So if you have a 1958 Sportster, you'll need 2 parts catalogs (the 57 full catalog and the 58 supplement catalog).
Actually, if you have any year model bike that fell on a supplement catalog year, you also may need the full catalog that the supplement updates.
Each supplement catalog states on the cover which full catalog it updates. But the supplements don't just list parts for the year on the cover.
Supplement catalogs will list new parts for that year and also any mid to late year changes from the year before.
In the case of back to back year supplements, the last year supplement will list all changes from the last full year catalog.
But that also includes changes that were made between previous supplements.
The supplement catalogs are no longer sold by the MoCo but can be found online, Ebay or other.
One-year-only changes are known in the supplement catalogs that changed again with the next year supplement or full catalog.

Full Catalog Year Model: The catalog “ending year” should match your year model for the best chance at finding factory installed parts.
I.E. (1960-1970 catalog for a 1970 model bike)

Additional Catalogs Surrounding Your Year Model:
For information left out, in error or updated in your correct year catalog, both previous year(s) and future year(s) catalogs will help bridge the gaps.

Some parts first appeared or only appeared in Parts Supplements, Service Bulletins or other literature

Having the respective parts catalog supplements sometimes is the only way to know exactly when a part was first used what models.
With part changes during a supplement year, the full catalogs fore and aft may show part# -59 in the 1959 catalog but 59A in the 1963 catalog.
Without the correct supplement, it will appear the part change was in 1963 but may actually be found in the 1961 parts catalog supplement.
In that case, the part change was in 1961 (or even late 1960 after the 60 supplement came out).
Another example is the L1973 fuse wire.
A circuit breaker was installed on 1972 and prior models main wire from the battery. But 1973 models rolled out without a circuit breaker installed.
A Service Bulletin went out in late 1973 instructing the dealerships to install a fuse wire (with part number) on certain HD models including Sportsters.
The part number is given in the service bulletin but was not in the 1974 or 1975 parts supplement or later parts catalogs.
The wire was updated with a new part number in 1974.
Click Here to read more about the fuse wire.

Technical Service Bulletins, Parts and Accessories Bulletins and Service Letters among others were used by the MoCo to transmit info to the dealerships.
This is in addition to and usually after the standard manuals were published.
Reasons for the additional information may have been due to a defects found, procedural changes or mid year change in production and others.
Part numbers from those bulletins may or may not be listed in the next year catalog or future catalogs.
But the dates (or close) that these parts were first to be installed will be.
Click Here for the Misc Resources section of the Sportsterpedia for TSBs and other documents.

Later catalogs may show parts for older models that were never factory installed on them

Parts Catalogs had a part number with the year code at the end (Sportster number code for parts catalogs is 99451-xx).
The (-xx) is the year the parts catalog was written for.
(99451-79) is an original 1979 Sportster Parts Catalog whereas (99451-79A) is an updated 1979 Sportster Parts Catalog.
Referred to as -78B, -79A, -85A etc.
The later year or updated catalogs represent parts that were for sale at the time the catalog was written.
Sometimes parts became available for earlier bikes many years later so the parts listed in those may state that they fit to older models.
So it's good to check the later catalogs to see what newer part may or may have fit your older model Sportster.

Example: The 1978 catalog shows an oil cooler assembly (62571-77) for 1956 to 1978 models.
The (-77) shows the first use of that part to be 1977 (on some HD model, not necessarily a Sportster).
But you will not find that oil cooler in 1957-1976 parts catalogs.

Some catalogs have missing parts and/or missing models in some parts listings

Some parts were “add-ons” after the bikes started leaving the factory.
Mid-year or late-year models got whatever new part was needed before they left the factory.
But the bikes already at dealerships or with their new owners either went without or had the new part installed by the dealers.
The parts catalog is usually written before the start of the new season and will not show any mid to late year changes.
1979 through 1981 (sometimes 1982) parts catalogs seem to have more missing and/or confusing information than other years.
But that is subjective to what you are looking for.

Example of hunting a starter relay for a 1967 XLH:
The -67 parts catalog does not show a starter relay (by illustration or in parts listing).
The -68 parts catalog supplement does show the relay (for 67 and 68 XLH).
Future parts books all confirm there was a starter relay (71455-67) from 1967-E1968 and L1971-1974 on XLH models.
The wiring diagrams in the FSMs from 1967-1971 do not show a starter relay but the 1972-up drawings do.
However, there is a section in the 1959-1969 service manual that refers to testing the starter relay.
So sometimes the parts catalog and the FSM together are needed to find the information in question.
And even then, you may find more information in the owners manual or the various TSBs or P&A bulletins than in the standard manuals.

Example of missing models:
The 1979-1981 parts book lists crankcase set 24527-75B for 79-80 XL/XLH but there is no crankcase set listed for 1981 models.
Crankcase set 24527-81A shows up in the -82 parts book for 1981-1982 XLs but it's only listed for 1981 XL in the -84 parts book.
Crankcase set 24490-81A shows up in the -82 parts book for 1981-1982 XLS but it's only listed for 1981 XLS in the -84 parts book.
In 1983, they offered a different case set number for each of these 81-82 models providing you changed the motor mount on 81 models.
And they did not list either of the above case sets in 1983.

And some just plain mistakes are made also.
One edition book may leave out a part number altogether and the next year book will show it as it should be for the year before.
Early 1980's parts books will show a part that was clearly deleted the year before which is corrected in the next year book for the year before.
Then at times, a part may actually be sold for all models (but only one is listed in the parts book).
So in appearance, the other model(s) did have one of those parts in that year book.
In reality it was sold for all at the parts counter though. And the next year book would correct that listing for all models.
Then the next year catalog may revert to wrong (or previous) information.
1978 and prior catalogs have a habit of showing a part for an XLH then a future book will show the same part of both XLH and XLCH.

Some illustrations do not have a part number listed

Most parts catalogs have at least 2 pages per section (Crankcase section has 1 page of drawings with a corresponding parts list page or pages).
The individual parts shown have a number near them that corresponds to a number for that part on the list page.
Ever so often you'll see a part drawn on one page but it's number will not show up on the corresponding parts list page.

Example: The 1979 oil tank is shown in both the 79 and 80 parts catalogs with no part numbers listed.
The are 2 different tanks both in construction and capacities.
It wasn't until the 1981 parts catalog came out that the part numbers were listed for both the 79 and 80 oil tanks.
Turns out the MoCo was selling those already painted and the respective primed oil tank was not sold until 1981.
During those 2 years you could still a buy a correct (painted) oil tank for your year model.
But the various part numbers for each painted tank was at the dealership and not in the parts catalog.
So looking back now with a 1979 Sportster, it would take the 79 catalog for everything else and the 81 parts catalog for the oil tank part number.

Example: In the -78A catalog, gearcase section, the illustration shows the cam cover pinion shaft bushing, cam bushings and cam gear plates.
These items are listed as numbers 31-34.
However, parts list page number 17 ends in #30, page 18 is the illustration and page 19 list page begins at #35.
So the part numbers are not shown for those parts in that catalog.
The -78B catalog does show the part numbers for those parts, but the -78B wasn't written until 1989 which may have updated part numbers in it.

Drawings may or may not look like your part number

The drawings in the catalogs are usually pretty close to what the part refenced looks like.
This is a good thing especially if you are looking at 2 different part numbers and need to know which is the one in the book.
But at times, the drawing in the parts books are actually from a previous year that was not updated with the new book.

Example: The K Model frame backbone and top motor mount was left on the frame drawings for Sportsters up through the 1971 parts catalog.
The 1965-1966 XLH left seat post is on the frame drawing in the 1967 parts catalog.
The 1967-1969 H or CH frame never shows up in it's entirety in any parts catalog.
The frame drawing in the 1971 parts book shows a left seat post with both 1964 style and 1970 style XLH brackets on it.

At times there will be 1 drawing with 1 number near it.
And the parts list will show many part numbers under that 1 corresponding number.
Other times, 1 drawing will have 2 or 3 numbers beside it.
This means that part had that many part number changes for the different years covered in that catalog.
But one of the parts will be shown and the other part numbers may belong to parts that look very different.

Sometimes the part changes in construction but the part number doesn't.
Sometimes part numbers change but the actual part doesn't.

Some exploded parts diagrams show the assembly in the wrong order or missing pieces

The exploded views are very helpful sometimes in determining the order of assembly.
At other times the exploded views will just confuse you or steer you wrong.
And they can't always be relied on as an assembly procedure.

Top motor mount drawings and fasteners for them are shown but that is very subjective illustration.
The illustrations in the parts catalogs may differ from the ones in the FSMs.

Example: There has been a lot of confusion on the head straddle motor mount fasteners on 57-76 models due to this.
The 1957 catalog shows three washers (cross brace to frame washers) under the straddle mount and doesn't show the nut and bolt at all (cross brace to frame).
There is a washer that should go under the head to head bracket but the parts catalog diagram clearly shows it on top of the bracket.
If you install the washers as it is shown in the parts catalog, it's possible that can crack a head later on.
But the 1964 FSM has 2 different bike illustrations (1 with the washers on top and 1 with the washers on bottom of the bracket).
So there is more confusion on how the mount assembly goes together.
Click Here to read more about that in the Sportsterpedia.

There may be misleading information about parts that fit your year model

Read as: “Used-On” Year Information can either be wrong or misleading. The parts catalogs were never meant to show what was factory mounted to each model.
Their purpose was to show what replacement parts were available at the time the book was written.
The rub is when replacement parts and original parts get mixed together in the parts catalogs.
Every part has a counterpart that it fits or fits into it.
Some replacement parts will not fit original applications but will fit their replacement counterparts.
If a replacement part has already been replaced, then the original counterpart may not fit it.
The replacement part has got to fit without creating damage to other parts.
The parts catalogs don't always distinguish that fact.

Example: In 1977, Sportsters got a completely different oil pump (gerotor pump).
1977-E183 pump assembly geroters have a chamfer on their OD. L1983 pump assembly gerotors are flat cut on the OD with no chamfer.
These modifications limit interchangeability and affect the installation of repair parts:
Late style gerotors in early style oil pump bodies and covers could cause the oil pump to bind up with possible pump failure.
Looking at the 1985 parts catalog, the only oil pump for sale is the late 1983 pump assembly (for 1979-1985 Sportsters).
And gerotors are sold for either 79-81 or 82-85 models (important gerotor change happened to the L1983 pump).
From the -85 catalog, 1982 gerotors fit the L1983 pump (and those will damage a L83 oil pump).
Also from this catalog, it appears the -83 oil pump IS the 79-85 pump (no caution in the book on mixing original and replacement parts).
The full pump assembly will retrofit to 1977 models but the L83-85 internals will not retrofit to the 77-E83 pump housing and cover.
From the -82 parts book: the return gerotors are part (26491-75) for 1979-1982 models.
From the -85 parts book: the return gerotors are part (26491-83) for 1982-1985 models.
Feed gerotors are done the same way.
All 1977-1985 oil pumps look identical from the outside. There are minor differences you can spot though.
Click Here to read more abut L1983 oil pump changes.

Example: 1979-1981 parts books are bad about showing parts used past the date that they were discontinued.
← E1981 and L1981 → flywheel assemblies have different machining and cannot be interchanged.
Flywheel assembly (23900-75) was used for 1977-E1981 models.
Flywheel assembly (23900-75A) shows up in the 1980 parts book but it has the new crankpin that was designed for the L1981 flywheel assembly.
Yet the flywheels are the same (old) part number. Due to the L1981 redesign, the -80 crankpin position and oil hole won't align with the old wheels.
Yet there is no mention of new wheels for 1980. These parts were never distinguished between 79 thru 81 parts books.
This is most likely a case of listing the new part number before it actually went into production.
Just as engine case set 24480-84 is listed in 1984 parts book but that part number was later given to the L1984 case set.
Then the E1984 case set was given part number 24527-82A.

Fastener lengths and thread pitch may change depending on catalog used.

Sometimes fastener lengths can vary and do no harm. And sometimes a too long or short bolt can cause damage.
It depends on the application.
One catalog may show fine threads, the next course then the next back to fine threads.

Example: The 1957-1975 lower front motor mounts have 4 bolts to the installation. The bottom rear bolt is 5-7/16“ long (16236-52).
That bolt size changed to 5-1/2” long (4413) in 1973 for 1973-1978 models.
1957-1978 original catalogs show the 5-7/16“ bolt for 57-72 models and the 5-1/2” bolt for 73-76 models.
However, the -78B catalog shows the 5-1/2“ bolt (sold for 54-76 models).
So by the time the -78B catalog was published (1989), the MoCo was not selling the original 5-7/16” bolt.

The MoCo knew about and tried to correct at least some of the parts catalog mistakes

Mistakes did happen in one book and get corrected in the next year or years book.
Some of the parts catalog supplements state in the parts listings on certain parts (corrections made to -xx catalog).
There were times when a sheet of paper with corrections was included with a new parts catalog purchase.
Some new model information was actually corrected through a Parts and Accessories Bulletin.
Some of those were the actual errored parts book page with correction for dealerships to swap the page out with their existing catalog.
That sheet would not have made it to customers catalogs after the fact.

That's right. The MoCo never intended owners to work on their own bikes outside of normal maintenance maybe.
There was a lot more information at the dealerships than the general public was aware of, (still is).
The Moco never wanted you to take your bike to an independent shop.
Reasons rate from warranty responsibility, revenue loss, EPA regs and others.
Click Here to read “Harley Davidson and the United States Clean Air Act of 1978”.
So they tried to keep the dealerships up to date on parts, procedures, policies etc through bulletins and many other means of communication.

The -82 catalog came with a letter stating the 1979-1982 Sportster Parts Catalog , page 114 Switches and Circuit Breakers was printed with the incorrect illustration.
“Enclosed with this letter is a gumstock reprint of the page which should easily fit into your catalog”.
(corrected illustration enclosed)

Sportster and K Model Parts Catalogs by Year and Date of Publication

Catalog #Year Models
CatalogIssue or
Copyright Date
Full CatalogUse to Update
Catalog #
99451-531952-1953Spare Parts Catalog for all K Models10-15-1952YesX
99451-541952-1954Spare Parts Catalog for all K Models6-15-1954YesX
99453-551955Supplement Spare Parts Catalog for
Big Twins/Servi Cars
Models K, H / Models 125,165
99451-561952-1956Spare Parts Catalog for all K ModelsFebruary 1, 1956YesX
99451-571952-1957Spare Parts Catalog
for all Sportster and K Models
99451-581958Supplement to Spare Parts Catalog
for Sportster and All K Models
99451-591952-1959Spare Parts Catalog
for all Sportster and K Models
99451-601960Supplement to Spare Parts Catalog for
99451-611959-1961Supplement to Spare Parts Catalog for
99451-621959-1962Supplement to Spare Parts Catalog for
99451-631953-1963Parts Catalog for all Sportsters and K Models11-15-1962YesX
99451-641964Supplement to Spare Parts Catalog
for Sportster and KH Models
October 1963No99451-63
99451-651955-1965Parts Catalog for Sportster / KH ModelsJuly 1964YesX
99451-661966Parts Catalog Supplement
for Sportster / KH Models
October 1965No99451-65
99451-671957-1967Parts Catalog for Sportster / KH ModelsSeptember 1966YesX
99451-681967-1968Parts Catalog Supplement
for Sportster / KH Models
July 1967No99451-67
99451-691959-1969Parts Catalog Supplement
for Sportster / KH Models
August 1968No99451-67
99451-701960-1970Parts Catalog for SportsterSeptember 1969YesX
99451-711961-1971Parts Catalog for Sportster (dealer edition)September 1970YesX
99451-721961-1972Parts Catalog Supplement for SportsterOctober 1971No99451-71
99451-731962-1973Parts Catalog Supplement
for Sportster, XL/XLCH 1000
September 1972No99451-71
99451-741962-1974Parts Catalog Supplement
for Sportster, XL/XLCH 1000
December 1973No99451-71
99451-751962-1975Parts Catalog Supplement
for Sportster, XL/XLCH 1000
January 1975No99451-71
99451-761962-1976Parts Catalog Supplement
for Sportster, XL/XLCH 1000
October 1975No99451-71
99451-76A1954-1976Parts Catalog
for Sportster, XL/XLCH 1000
May 1976YesX
99426-771977Parts Catalog for XLCR-1000December 1976YesX
99451-77A1954-1977Parts Catalog Supplement
for Sportster, XL/XLCH 1000
August 1976No99451-76A
99426-781977-1978Parts Catalog Supplement
for XLCR-1000
October 1977No99426-77
99451-781954-1978Parts Catalog Supplement
for Sportster, XL/XLCH 1000
October 1977No99451-76A
99451-78A1954-1978Parts Catalog for Sportster, XL/XLCH 1000April 1981YesX
99451-78B1954-1978Parts Catalog for Sportster, XL/XLCH 1000Copyright 1989YesX
99451-791979Parts Catalog for Sportster, XLH/XLCH 1000April 1978YesX
99451-79A1979Parts Catalog for Sportster, XLH/XLCH/XLS 1000November 1978YesX
99451-801979-1980Parts Catalog for Sportster, XL/XLS 1000September 1979YesX
99451-811979-1981Parts Catalog for Sportster, XLH/XLCH/XLS 1000September 1980YesX
99451-821979-1982Parts Catalog for Sportster, XL ModelsSeptember 1981YesX
99451-831979-1983Parts Catalog for Sportster, XL ModelsCopyright 1982YesX
99451-841979-1984Parts Catalog for Sportster, XL ModelsCopyright 1983YesX
99451-851979-1985Parts Catalog for Sportster, XL ModelsCopyright 1984YesX
99451-85A1979-1985Parts Catalog for Sportster, XL ModelsCopyright 1990YesX
99451-861986Parts Catalog for Sportster, XL ModelsCopyright 1985YesX
99451-871986-1987Parts Catalog for Sportster, XL ModelsCopyright 1986YesX
99451-901986-1990Parts Catalog
for Sportster Evolution 883/1100/1200
Copyright 1989YesX
99451-911991Parts Catalog for 5 Speed SportsterCopyright 1990YesX
99451-921991-1992Parts Catalog for 5 Speed SportsterCopyright 1991YesX
99451-931993Parts Catalog for 5 Speed / Belt Drive SportsterCopyright 1992YesX
99451-941993-1994Parts Catalog for 5 Speed / Belt Drive SportsterCopyright 1993YesX
99451-94A1993-1994Parts Catalog for Sportster Models YesX
99451-951995Parts Catalog for SportsterCopyright 1994YesX
99451-961995-1996 Parts Catalog for Sportster Copyright 1995YesX
99451-96A1995-1996Parts Catalog for SportsterCopyright 1995YesX
99451-971997Parts Catalog for XLH ModelsCopyright 1996YesX
99451-97A1997Parts Catalog for XLH ModelsCopyright 1996YesX
99451-981998Parts Catalog for XLH ModelsCopyright 1997YesX
99451-98A1998Parts Catalog for XLH ModelsCopyright 1997YesX
99451-98B1998Parts Catalog for XLH ModelsCopyright 2013YesX
99451-991999Parts Catalog for XLH ModelsCopyright 1998YesX
99451-99A1999Parts Catalog for XLH ModelsCopyright 1998YesX
99451-002000Parts Catalog for XLH ModelsCopyright 1999 YesX
99451-00A2000Parts Catalog for XLH ModelsCopyright 1999YesX
99451-012001Parts Catalog for XLH ModelsCopyright 2000YesX
99451-01A2001Parts Catalog for XLH ModelsCopyright 2000YesX
99451-022002Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2001YesX
99451-02A2002Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2001YesX
99451-02B2002Parts Catalog for Sportster Models YesX
99451-02C2002Parts Catalog for Sportster Models YesX
99451-032003Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2002YesX
99451-03A2003Parts Catalog for Sportster Models YesX
99451-03B2003Parts Catalog for Sportster Models YesX
99451-042004Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2003YesX
99451-052005Parts Catalog for Sportster Models YesX
99451-05A2005Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2005YesX
99451-062006Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2005YesX
99451-072007Parts Catalog for Sportster Models YesX
99451-07A2007Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2007YesX
99451-082008Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2007YesX
99451-092009Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2008YesX
99451-09A2009Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2009YesX
99451-102010Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2009YesX
99451-10A2010Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2010YesX
99451-112011Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2010YesX
99451-11A2011Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2011YesX
99451-122012Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2011YesX
99451-12A2012Parts Catalog for Sportster Models YesX
99451-132013Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2012YesX
99451-142014Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2013YesX
99451-14A2014Parts Catalog for Sportster Models YesX
99451-152015Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2014YesX
99451-162016Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2015YesX
99451-16A2016Parts Catalog for Sportster Models YesX
940003802017Parts Catalog for Sportster Models YesX
940004422018Parts Catalog for Sportster Models YesX
940005572019Parts Catalog for Sportster ModelsCopyright 2018YesX
940007172020Parts Catalog for Sportster Models YesX
940008522021Parts Catalog for Sportster Models YesX

1952-1985 Sportster and K Model Parts Catalog Cover Pics

Below are pics of used parts catalog covers.
Click on any pic to enlarge:

Parts Catalog (99451-53) 9)
Parts Catalog (99451-54) 10)
1952-1956 Original
Parts Catalog (99451-56) 11)
1952-1956 Reprint
Parts Catalog (99451-56)
Parts Catalog (99451-57)
1952-1958 Parts
Catalog Supplement (99451-58)
Parts Catalog (99451-59)
1959-1960 Parts
Catalog Supplement (99451-60)
1959-1961 Parts
Catalog Supplement (99451-61)
1959-1962 Parts
Catalog Supplement (99451-62)
Parts Catalog (99451-63)
1964 Parts
Catalog Supplement (99451-64)
Parts Catalog (99451-65)
1966 Parts
Catalog Supplement (99451-66)
Parts Catalog (99451-67)
1967-1968 Parts
Catalog Supplement (99451-68)
1959-1969 Parts
Catalog Supplement (99451-69)
Parts Catalog (99451-70)
Parts Catalog (99451-71)
1961-1972 Parts
Catalog Supplement (99451-72)
1962-1973 Parts
Catalog Supplement (99451-73)
1962-1974 Parts
Catalog Supplement (99451-74)
1962-1975 Parts
Catalog Supplement (99451-75)
1962-1976 Parts
Catalog Supplement (99451-76)
Parts Catalog (99451-76A)
1954-1977 Parts
Catalog Supplement (99451-77A)
1954-1978 Parts
Catalog Supplement (99451-78)
Parts Catalog (99451-78A)
Parts Catalog (99451-78B)
Parts Catalog (99451-79)
Parts Catalog (99451-79A)
Parts Catalog (99451-80)
Parts Catalog (99451-81)
Parts Catalog (99451-82)
Parts Catalog (99451-83)
Parts Catalog (99451-84)
Parts Catalog (99451-85)
Parts Catalog (99451-85A)

XR-750 Parts Catalogs by Year

Catalog #Year Models
CatalogIssue or
Copyright Date
Full CatalogUse to Update
Catalog #
99442-70R1970XR-750 Parts CatalogSeptember, 1970YesX
99442-72R1972XR-750 Parts CatalogApril, 1972YesX
99442-72RA1972-1973XR-750 Parts CatalogAugust, 1975YesX
99442-72RB1972-1975XR-750 Parts CatalogOctober, 1976 YesX
99442-72RC1972-1977XR-750 Parts CatalogJune, 1976YesX
99442-72RD1972-1980XR-750 Parts CatalogMarch, 1980 YesX
99442-72RE1972-1980XR-750 Parts Catalog YesX
99442-72RF1972-1983XR-750 Parts Catalog YesX
99442-72RG1972-1986XR-750 Parts Catalog YesX
99442-89R1972-1989XR-750 Parts Catalog1992YesX
99442-89RA1972-1989XR-750 Parts Catalog1990YesX
99442-93R1972-1993XR-750 Parts Catalog YesX
99442-93RA1972-1993XR-750 Parts Catalog YesX
99442-94R1972-1994XR-750 Parts Catalog YesX
99442-95R1972-1995XR-750 Parts Catalog YesX
99442-96R1972-1996XR-750 Parts Catalog YesX
99442-97R1972-1997XR-750 Parts Catalog YesX
99442-98R1972-1998XR-750 Parts Catalog YesX
99442-99R1972-1999XR-750 Parts Catalog1998YesX
99442-00R1972-2000XR-750 Parts Catalog1998YesX
99442-01R1972-2001XR-750 Parts Catalog YesX
99442-02R1972-2002XR-750 Parts Catalog YesX
99442-08R1972-2008XR-750 Parts Catalog2007YesX

XR-750 Parts Catalog Cover Pics

Below are pics of used parts catalog covers.
Click on any pic to enlarge:

1970 XR-750 (99442-70R) 1972 XR-750 (99442-72R) 1972-1973 XR-750 (99442-72RA) 1972-1975 XR-750 (99442-72RB)
1972-1977 XR-750 (99442-72RC) 1972-1980 XR-750 (99442-72RD) 1972-1980 XR-750 (99442-72RE) 1972-1983 XR-750 (99442-72RF)
1972-1986 XR-750 (99442-72RG) 1972-1989 XR-750 (99442-89R) 1972-1989 XR-750 (99442-89RA) 1972-1993 XR-750 (99442-93R)
1972-1993 XR-750 (99442-93RA) 1972-1999 XR-750 (99442-99R) 1972-2000 XR-750 (99442-00R) 1972-2001 XR-750 (99442-01R)
1972-2002 XR-750 (99442-02R) 1972-2008 XR-750 (99442-08R)


9) , 10) , 11)
pic from a collection by The French Owl of the XLFORUM
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