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|—————— IronHead Starter / Kickstart Related Videos ——————|


Videos by The Doctor71 of the XLFORUM Click Here to go to the thread.
How many crankshaft revolutions can be expected with 1 kick? I define “revolutions” as flywheel revolutions, NOT circuit breaker cam revolutions. To get flywheel revolutions, I multiplied circuit breaker cam revolutions x 2 (crankshaft turns 2 revs per 1 rev of the circuit cam). Using my non-scientific method of video taping the circuit breaker cam on my 1971 XLCH 900 motor and using the 225 lbs in this old body….. I can report I saw:

  1. Pushing very slowly on the kick pedal by hand (spark plugs removed), there was almost, but not quite 1 complete flywheel revolution.
  2. Using foot on the kick pedal (spark plugs removed), app. 2-3/4 flywheel revolutions.
  3. Using foot on the kick pedal (spark plugs installed), almost exactly 2 flywheel revolutions.
    More or less, this equates to one compression stroke, per cylinder, per kick, (at least on my bike).
    Note: The original videos were recorded at normal speed using 60fps. If needed, you can reduce the playback speed to aid in your viewing of the number of revolutions.


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