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REF: Tools - 144

Engine / Primary / Transmission Funnels and Drainage Tools

For removing the oil filter


  • Basically you can use whatever you have close at hand. It is definitely better to avoid the spilled oil on the bike. 2)
  • A piece of newspaper, cardboard paper plate etc. can be tucked under the filter with the sides rolled to funnel into a catch pan / container.
  • Note, anything you use will work best if you cut a small notch in it to correspond to that rib below the filter that sticks out where the trough needs to sit, otherwise it will not push far enough in to catch all the oil that drips down. 3). You can also stuff paper towels up under and around the backside of the oil filter before removing it and just throw them away when your done. 4)
  • The carb board and paper trick just might end up in the dump polluting the water system, however, if that is a concern. 5)
    (Intentionally draining oil on the ground is illegal in the U.S.)
    • Other ideas:
      • A piece of an old (or blank) aluminum bent into a trough. 6)
  • Most any empty plastic bottle with sufficient length to bring the oil away from the bike can be cut out as a decent funnel.
  • Just cut out one side of the container, leave the cap off and let it drain into a drip pan / container.
  • Examples range from:
    • A small plastic milk jug. 7)
    • A tall cut out 1 litre shampoo bottle. 8)
A Used and Cutout Oil Bottle 9) A Piece of Rain Gutter 10)

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