2006 Sportster

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

Example: 1HD1CGP166K201624 appears on steering head. Abbreviated VIN appears on left engine crankcase - CGP166K201624

Market Designation

Manufacturer/ Make

Engine Displacement

Model Designation

Engine type

Introduction Date / Special Models

Check Digit

Model Year

Assembly Plant

Sequential Number
1= Made for USA
2= Made for International Countries
Harley Davidson4 = 883cc
1 = 1200cc
CA = XL 883
CJ = XL 883C Custom
CM = XL 883 Low
CK = XL 883R Roadster
CG = XL 1200C Custom
CL = XL1200R Roadster
P = 1200 CC ENGINE
1 = Regular
2 = Mid Year Intro Date
3 = California Models
4 = Special Addition
5 = Special Addition California Only
Can be
0 - 9 or X
6 = 2006 K = Kansas City, MO201642
1 HD 1 CG P 1 6 6 K 201624

Model Year Changes

Summary of changes for 2006: 1)

  • Transmission receives Helical Gears. New transmission design “requires” Formula+ oil but extends transmission oil service interval to 10k (from 5k).
  • Transmission also gets new output bearing that includes a sprocket spacer integrated into the bearing.
  • New engine cases (for new transmission).
  • Plastic anti-rotation device used for tappets.
  • 49-state 883XL models will now come with catalyst-equipped muffler for front exhaust.
  • New wheel option of Chrome Profile Laced 19“ x 2.5”.
  • Reduced clutch spring with 20% reduction in lever effort. 1200 and 883 have different springs.
  • Plastic battery tray.
  • Longer jiffy stands on 1200R, 883, and 883R models. For a 12° lean angle to make bike easier to upright.
  • HDI, England, and Australia get an OE Security Siren.



XL 883R

2006 883R 2)
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