EVO: Engine Control - Sub-03a
Cleaning Fuel Injectors
Disconnect the fuel line and purge the high pressure: 1)
- To prevent spray of fuel, purge system of high-pressure fuel before supply line is disconnected.
Gasoline is extremely flammable and highly explosive, which could result in death or serious injury.
- Remove left side cover.
- Remove fuel pump connector from ECM caddy cover.
- Unplug fuel pump connector.
- Start engine and allow vehicle to run.
- When engine stalls, operate starter for 3 seconds to remove any remaining fuel from fuel hose.
- Shut off ignition.
Pulling the injectors is pretty easy once you have the above done.
- Remove the bracket from the intake manifold.
- Disconnect the electrical connectors from the injectors (there are two, one to each injector).
- Gently rock the fuel rail back and forth to remove the rail and injectors (not too gently).
- Pull the injectors from the fuel rail.
Once you have the injectors out, you can use a trickle charger for the 12v power supply.
Cleaning the injectors:
- Find the correct size holder for the injectors.
- Push the injector all the way into the holder.
- Connect the power lead to the injector (not to the battery yet).
- Connect one end of the power lead to the 12v source (trickle charger in this case).
- Put the holder onto the carb cleaner can and pressurize it (keep a hold of the injector too).
- Energize the injector and watch it spray across the room and go from a tiny amount to much larger as it gets clean.
Only used pulses of power. Do not leave it connected. - Remove power, release pressure on the injector holder.
- Remove the injector from the holder, reverse it and do it all again, then reverse it again.
- Do the same to the other injector.
Put it all back together (as long as your O-rings are still good) and enjoy!