EVO: Engine Control - Sub-03a

Cleaning Fuel Injectors

Notes: Disconnect the fuel line and purge the high pressure: 1)

  • To prevent spray of fuel, purge system of high-pressure fuel before supply line is disconnected.
    Gasoline is extremely flammable and highly explosive, which could result in death or serious injury.
  1. Remove left side cover.
  2. Remove fuel pump connector from ECM caddy cover.
  3. Unplug fuel pump connector.
  4. Start engine and allow vehicle to run.
  5. When engine stalls, operate starter for 3 seconds to remove any remaining fuel from fuel hose.
  6. Shut off ignition.

Pulling the injectors is pretty easy once you have the above done.

  1. Remove the bracket from the intake manifold.
  2. Disconnect the electrical connectors from the injectors (there are two, one to each injector).
  3. Gently rock the fuel rail back and forth to remove the rail and injectors (not too gently).
  4. Pull the injectors from the fuel rail.

Once you have the injectors out, you can use a trickle charger for the 12v power supply.
Cleaning the injectors:

  1. Find the correct size holder for the injectors.
  2. Push the injector all the way into the holder.
  3. Connect the power lead to the injector (not to the battery yet).
  4. Connect one end of the power lead to the 12v source (trickle charger in this case).
  5. Put the holder onto the carb cleaner can and pressurize it (keep a hold of the injector too).
  6. Energize the injector and watch it spray across the room and go from a tiny amount to much larger as it gets clean.
    Only used pulses of power. Do not leave it connected.
  7. Remove power, release pressure on the injector holder.
  8. Remove the injector from the holder, reverse it and do it all again, then reverse it again.
  9. Do the same to the other injector.
    Put it all back together (as long as your O-rings are still good) and enjoy!

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