IH: Engine Control - Sub-03A

1968 Kicker Cover Roll Pin Repair

Note - Upon repair, this is helpful reading How to Adjust a Dry Clutch

The little roll pin sticking out of the inside of the kicker cover acts as a stop pin. The release should rest on the pin when the clutch lever is fully extended and the adjustment of the release rod is slack. 1) Sometimes they will snap off. This could be due to it being a pretty wimpy size pin, and possibly bad clutch adjustment followed by abuse. 2)
Up to '67, the hole was drilled all the way through where you could drive the old pin out from below. However, the sprocket cover changed in '68. 3)


  • Most of the advice on this is probably good for larger size pins and did not work for this situation including: 5)
    • Pick = no good
    • Heat / pick = no good, it’s jammed.
    • Pack with grease and use pressure to push it out = Too mangled, too small.
    • Easy out = if I had one that small, I think it would just expand the pin.
    • Hardened drywall screw to yank on = screw too big / pin too hard for softer screws.
    • Try annealing pin to allow drilling = maybe a jeweler's torch setup would be good for this.
  • Other trial methods might include:
    • A long drill bit to go through the center of the roll pin and out the bottom. 6)
    • A left handed drill bit 7)

  • On further attempts, I succeeded in blocking up the hole with a welding rod, which was supposed to have fused itself to the inside of the pin at low amperage, allowing me to yank it out. Instead it broke off at the top of the pin. 8)
    • I managed to drill out the welding rod, snapping a succession of cheap solid carbide drill bits used in PCB manufacture.
    • A step before trying to spark erode the little sh!t out of there (machine paid for itself, removing broken easy outs, I hear) when I tried a carbide burr. Snapped that too, but it got deep enough to hog the old pin out before that happened, and I managed to pick the broken bits out.

New 1/8” roll pin fitted. If this bigger size makes any difference, you can always relieve the arm a touch. 9) but the larger pin would help with shearing. 10)

Now I can adjust the clutch!!! 11)

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