REF: Body Parts

Engine Guard / Crash Bar

Click Here for downloadable instruction sheets for Engine Guards in the Sportsterpedia.

1982-2003 Engine Guard

The same type construction engine guard is used on 1982-2003 Sportsters.
However, there are 2 different size lower brackets that have to be considered for installation depending on year model used.
1982-E1984 (generator motors) used a lower bracket (49014-85) that is shorter than L1984-2003 models (alternator motors) lower bracket (49014-86A).

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2004-Up Chrome Engine Guard

2004-Up Black Engine Guard

This is sold for all 2004 XL and XR models except XL883L and those using a front spoiler.
HD Part number is (41295-07).

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Pic used with permission
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photo courtesy of DeadpartsMC, Link to Ebay Store
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photo courtesy of Ebay seller, animalhouse2010, Link to Ebay store:
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