REF: Engine Mechanicals - Sub-03K

Chopping OEM Sprocket Cover Into a Gothic Cross

Article by anachris of the XLFORUM 1)

Total of about 48 hours.
Measurements taken with the graphic idea rough sketched.

Two basic patterns of the cross were selected and mocked up.

After settling on the pattern, it's just a matter of gluing on a paper pattern over the cover and cutting it out.

With the basic shape rough cut, a drill press with spiral cutter was used to clean up the mess of all the drill holes.
The wrinkle black will be grinded, sanded and repainted wrinkle black as the rest of the engine with the nut painted red.

The rough shaping was done with files and test fitted once again.

Finish shaping and sanded with sandpaper and getting ready for the wrinkle paint.
The cross portioned was masked off to keep paint from sticking to it.

The VHT wrinkle plus went on gloss (very gloss) with at least 3 coats at varying angles and given a couple of hours for the paint to set.
Then it was heated in the oven at 200 degrees.

For those using the VHT wrinkle paint, it takes a while to cure.
It's very durable once it does finally finish gassing out.
After about an hour in the oven, (this would be about 2 to 2-1/2 hours after first spray) a dental tool was used to remove the masking.
This seemed to be a good time to pull tape very easily using the flat blade tool designed not to hurt enamel.

After it finishes curing, wash the adheasive off with solvent then block sand with 1000 grit wet to blend all lines back to crisp.
And finally, a bit of re-polish on the cross and fitted.

A brass woven mesh sheet was cut as a backing for the sprocket cover.
(unpolished, mill finish, ASTM E2016-06, 12“ width, 12” length, 0.025“ wire diameter, 54% open area)

Finished product:

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