REF: Suspension

Rear Shock Lowering / Riser Blocks

Homemade lift blocks on a 2003 883R / 1425

The block wont lift off the swing arm due to the fact that the tail end of the block is long and as long as the bolt is in the hole, it can't rotate. 1)
2) 3)

4) 5) 6)

Homemade Lift Blocks 2005 883 / 1212

These brackets were made to raise the bike while still using the same shocks (instead of buying longer ones).
Lowering brackets have been around forever but they change the geometry of the suspension.
These brackets are designed to keep the shocks at the same angle but mount them 1“ higher.
They are made from a 3×8 piece of 1/2” stainless steel. Pics below are after measuring, drawing out the templates and drilling the mounting holes.

First, protect your eyes when cutting. An old helmet can be used for protecting them from flying shrapnel.

The pieces were cut from flat stock.
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The final shaping was done, edges smoothed with a wire brush, test fitted and painted.
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And finally installed.
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