Table of Contents
EVO: Carburetor, Intake Manifold & Exhaust
Overview - Basic Stock Carb Model Info
From 1986-1987, the stock Sportster carburetor was a Keihin 34mm, fixed-venturi “butterfly” model, as used on the Ironhead models from 1979 onward (BT models still used the 38mm version). Contrary to popular folklore, all Keihin non-CV carbs did come with accelerator pumps.
In 1988, the stock Sportster carburetor was upgraded to a Keihin 40mm, slide-type, constant-velocity model. It was quickly discovered that the lack of an accelerator pump was a shortcoming. To help that situation, a special needle, identified as 27094-88 or N65C, was used to help off-idle performance in the 1988 models, which still had no accelerator pump.
In 1989 and thru 2006, the Keihin CV40 carburetors were produced with an accelerator pump to smooth out initial throttle response.
Keihin Butterfly (non-CV) Carburetor (Stock on L1976-1987 Sportsters)
See also in the Sportsterpedia: * Keihin Butterfly Carb Basic Information
- See TSB #694 for introduction information on the Keihin butterfly carb. Click the link to view the TSB page in the Sportsterpedia. Then click on the “Y” next to #694 to view / download the PDF. * The Keihin non-CV carburetor is a horizontal type with a fuel bowl, single ring-shaped float, an accelerating pump, idle mixture adjusting needle and a throttle stop screw for speed adjustment. 1)
- The throttle body casting contains an integral venturi and a fuel valve seat that is pressed into the body. The underside of the throttle body contains a boss. The main jet screws into the boss and holds the bleed tube in place.2)
- Operation: Fuel from the gas tank passes through the fuel valve, onto float chamber. The fuel entering causes the float to rise until it shuts off the fuel valve, stopping the flow at a level predetermined by float level setting. 3)
- Idle or Slow System: The slow system functions at idle, low and intermediate speeds when throttle valve is closed or only partially open. At idle, fuel enters the main jet and, after being metered there, enters the slow jet where it is metered again. Fuel from the slow jet enters the slow jet bleed tube where it mixes with air through the slow air passage. Fuel mixture is regulated by adjusting the idle (low speed) mixture screw. When the throttle valve is closed, fuel mixture flows into the venturi almost entirely through the idle port. As the throttle valve gradually opens, fuel mix discharge is transferred to the bypass. The slow jet bleed tube is actually a part of the slow jet. 4)
- The Main System: The main system functions at intermediate and high speeds as the throttle valve opens further. Fuel is metered by the main jet and enters the main jet air passage. The fuel/ air mixture then exits from the main nozzle and into the venturi. 5)
- The Accelerating Pump System: The accelerating pump system works with sudden throttle openings (rapid acceleration) to quickly inject fuel into the carb to provide extra fuel for the engine demand. Rapid throttle action pushes the pump rod down, flexing the diaphragm, which compresses fuel underneath the diaphragm, forcing it up past the check valve and out the pump nozzle into the venturi. The check valve prevents backflow while the pump nozzle meters the flow. Spring action then returns the diaphragm back to it's original position. As the diaphragm returns, a new supply of fuel flows in and under it so the system will be ready to repeat the cycle with the next rapid throttle action detected. 6)
- The Choke System: The choke is manually set by pulling out on the choke button. Pulled all the way out is fully closed (for cold engine), partially open (for warm engine) or pushed all the way in, fully open (for warm engine). 7)
- Dual throttle cables
- Integral Float Chamber
- Manual Choke
- 3 different models
- 1976L-1978 have 38mm Venturi
- 1979-1987 have 34mm Venturi
- Model Year Changes
1986-1987 Features 8)
- 34mm Venturi
- Horizontal, gravity fed with a float operated inlet valve
- Throttle stop screw
- Fast idle cam
- Choke system with fast idle adjustment
- Accelerator pump
- Designed to control exhaust emissions
- Fixed jets
- Factory preset idle mixture
- VOES port
- Evaporative port Note: For those sold for use in California (as part of the evaporative emissions kit) the fuel overflow fitting was capped and the overflow line was removed. 9)
Factory Keihin Butterfly (non-CV) 34mm Carb by Sportster Model/Year
Note: Carb B83H was also used on 1983 Sportster models. See a full list of all known Harley Keihin butterfly carbs here Sportster Keihin Butterfly Carburetors by Year Model in the ironhead section of the Sportsterpedia.
Sportster Model | Year Carb Used | HD Part Number | Flange Number | Main Jet Size | Low Speed Jet Size | Initial Mixture screw setting | Accel Pump spring position |
XL 883 (50 state) | 1986-1987 | 27501-86A 10) | B83H | 155 | 52 | ||
XL 1100 (50 state) | 1986 | 27502-86A 11) | B83H | 155 | 52 | ||
XL 1100 (50 state) | 1987 | 27502-86B 12) | B83H | 150 | 52 |
- Main & Slow jet sizes are the same (86-87) 883 & (86) 1100. BUT - Due to internal differences, the carbs are not interchangeable 13)
- Main Jet
- 27087-80 - 1.50mm
- 27098-78 - 1.55mm (std)
- Slow Jet
- 27329-83 - .52mm
Carb Idle Speed | 900 RPM 14) | |
Torque Specs 15) | ||
1986-1987 | Carb to Intake Manifold Bolts | 15-17 in/lbs (20-23 NM) |
* | Intake Manifold Flange to Cylinder Head Bolts/Nuts | 72-120 in/lbs (8-14 Nm) |
* | Air Cleaner Backplate to Engine Bolts | 120-144 in/lbs (14-16 Nm) |
* | Air Cleaner to Carburetor Bolts | 36-60 in/lbs (4-7 Nm) |
* | Air Cleaner Cover Screws | 36-60 in/lbs (4-7 Nm) |
Interesting discussion here:
Keihin BD / Screaming Eagle Butterfly Carb
Click Here to go the page in the REF section on these carbs.
Keihin CV 40mm Carb (1988-2006)
Sub Documents
- Constant velocity, gravity fed - has a float-operated inlet valve and a vacuum-operated variable venturi (movable slide).
- Both the CV40 and CVK carbs are made by Keihin in Japan. But only the CV is specific to a Harley and has the bar and shield and HD name on the side. 16) CVK is for Kawasaki and various other makes that contracted Keihin for that carburetor. There is also a CV40 making the rounds that is distributed by a Florida company that looks identical but not all the specs match up. There is no guarantee that any part (original or CVP) will fit those knock-off carburetors. If your CV carb does not have the name Harley Davidson cast above the bowl on each side it is a knock-off.
Torque Specs | ||
1988-2001 | Intake Manifold Flange to Cylinder Head Bolts/Nuts | 72-120 in/lbs (8-14 Nm) |
2002-Later | Intake Manifold Flange to Cylinder Head Bolts/Nuts | 96-144 in/lbs (10.9-16.3 Nm) |
All | Carb Clamp Screw | 10-15 in/lbs (1.1-1.7 Nm) |
- The carburetor atomizes gas in proper proportions to the air pulled in through the air intake. The throttle plate controls the amount of air flow. At idle, a small amount of gas is siphoned through the pilot jet by the incoming air and fed thru the Idle Port on the engine side of the throttle plate. As the throttle plate is opened farther, the air begins siphoning gas through the transfer ports (which are fed by the Pilot Jet) and eventually pulls gas thru the needle jet (which is fed by the main jet). The tapered needle, which moves up and down thru the fixed diameter needle jet, increases the flow of fuel as it is lifted up since it's taper gets smaller inside the needle jet, thus allowing for more flow when lifted up and out. The vacuum, in the air filter side of the throttle plate, is used to lift the slide barrel & needle jet. At full throttle, the carburetor venturi is fully opened and the needle is lifted far enough to allow the main jet to flow at full jet capacity. The choke circuit is actually an enrichment valve system to allow more fuel at startup. With the choke knob pulled out, a separate jet opening sends a stream of gas into the carburetor's venturi, on the engine side of the throttle plate, thus enriching the gas/air mixture when the engine is cold. The accelerator pump circuit injects a fine spray of gas into the carburetor intake during sudden twisting of the throttle to aid acceleration & reduce engine hesitation.
Factory Keihin CV40 Carburetors by Sportster Model/Year
Emissions Observations
by Almond farmer: 17)
- There were no HC emissions changes from 1981-2003 @ 2.5 g/km .
- 78-79 is 14 g/km
- 80-81 is 5 g/km
- Any carburetor can meet those standards
- In 2004 CARB went to 1.4 g/km and EPA (49 states)in 2006, last year for XL carburetor.
- CA is the only state in the country with its own emissions standards which are currently the same as the EPA standards.
- In 2008 CARB mandated only .8 k/km HC and EPA with the same requirement, followed two years later in 2010.
The above #s are combined HC + NOX
- Noticed the Keihin 40mms CV used 160 main jet for the 883 up to 2003, then 2004-2006 went to 175 (1.75mm) for 49 state bikes, not CA bikes.
- This change makes the air/fuel mixture run richer, therefore, a richer mixture results in lower combustion temperature with resulting lower HC +NOX to meet more stringent emission standards.
- Notice the 49 state 1200 used 170 jet up to 2004, 180 main jet (MJ) in 2004, & 185 MJ in 2005-2006.
- CA 883 went from 170 MJ to 2003 then changed to 180 MJ in 2005-2006.
- Again making the air/fuel ratio richer.
- CA 1200 cc went from 160 MJ in 1989 to 185 MJ in 2006. So, the 2006, 1200 evo with Keihin 40mms CV with vertical needle used the same main jet (1.85mm)for all 50 states, since CARB & EPA had the same emission requirements on the MoCo in that time.
- Note that jets are selected for operation at below 4000 ft elevation.
- If installing CV to 1000cc IH would first select 170 main jet below 4000 ft elevation. This Keihin CV should return lower emissions than any of the Keihin Butterfly carburetors and even satisfied the tier 1 CARB emissions requirements.
- Unfortunately, CV could satisfy tier 2 emissions at only .8 g/km.
U S A (Domestic) Sportster Models
- All CV models come equipped with accelerator pump unless noted.
- All data below is compiled from HD Parts Catalogs unless otherwise noted.
- Sportster models are divided into 3 categories: Domestic, California & HDI models
- See also:
- See Discrepancies in the FSM(s) / Parts Catalog(s) for further information on highlighted * areas in the carburetor charts below
Example Parts Shown Here »>
All CV40 carbs use the following parts & P/N:
27100-88 - Needle Jet (.114“ ID)18)
27101-88 - Emulsion Tube (Needle Jet Holder)
27585-88 - Vacuum Slide (Vacuum Piston)
^Sportster Model^Year^ Keihin CV 40mm
Carb Serial # ^ Main / Slow
Jet Size 19) ^ Main / Slow Jet
(Part #s) ^ Keihin Needle
for Vac Slide20) ^
XL883 (Dom) | 1988 | 27501-88 No Accel Pump | 170 / 35 | (27115-88) - (27117-88) | N65A (27091-88) |
1989-1990 | 27501-89 | 175 / 45 | (27090-89) - (27170-89) | N72A (27166-89) | |
1991 | 27501-89A | 175 / 45 | (27090-89) - (27170-89) | N72A (27166-89) | |
1992 | 27489-92 | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N86Q (27183-92) | |
1993-1994 | 27489-92 | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N86Q (27183-92) | |
1995 | 27489-92A | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N86Q (27183-92) | |
1996 | 27490-96 | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27271-89) | NOKK (27241-95) Listed for (Cal) only |
1997 | 27490-96 | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27271-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
1998 | 27490-96A | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27271-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
1999-2001 | 27490-96 | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27271-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
2002-2003 | 27490-96A | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27271-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
2004-2006 | 27490-04 | 175 / 42 | (27090-89) - (27171-89) | N9EY (28027-04) | |
XL883C (Dom) | 1998 | 27490-96A | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27271-89) | NOKK (27241-95) |
1999-2001 | 27490-96 | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27271-89) | ||
2002-2003 | 27490-96A | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27271-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
2004-2006 | 27490-04 | 175 / 42 | (27090-89) - (27171-89) | N9EY (28027-04) | |
XL883 Hug (Dom) | 1988 | 27501-88 No Accel Pump | 170 / 35 | (27115-88) - (27117-88) | N65A (27091-88) |
1989-1990 | 27501-89 | 175 / 45 | (27090-89) - (27170-89) | N72A (27166-89) | |
1991 | 27501-89A | 175 / 45 | (27090-89) - (27170-89) | N72A (27166-89) | |
1992 | 27489-92 | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N86Q (27183-92) | |
1993-1994 | 27489-92 | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N86Q (27183-92) | |
1995 | 27489-92A | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N86Q (27183-92) | |
1996 | 27490-96 | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27271-89) | NOKK (27241-95) Listed for (Cal) only |
1997 | 27490-96 | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27271-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
1998 | 27490-96A | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27271-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
1999-2001 | 27490-96 | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27271-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
2002-2003 | 27490-96A | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27271-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
XL883 Deluxe (Dom) | 1988 | 27501-88 No Accel Pump | 170 / 35 | (27115-88) - (27117-88) | N65A (27091-88) |
1989-1990 | 27501-89 | 175 / 45 | (27090-89) - (27170-89) | N72A (27166-89) | |
1991 | 27501-89A | 175 / 45 | (27090-89) - (27170-89) | N72A (27166-89) | |
1992 | 27489-92 | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N86Q (27183-92) | |
1993-1994 | 27489-92 | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N86Q (27183-92) | |
1995 | 27489-92A | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N86Q (27183-92) | |
XL883L (Dom) | 2005-2006 | 27490-04 | 175 / 42 | (27090-89) - (27171-89) | N9EY (28027-04) |
XL883R (Dom) | 2002-2003 | 27490-96A | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27271-89) | NOKK (27241-95) |
2005-2006 | 27490-04 | 175 / 42 | (27090-89) - (27171-89) | N9EY (28027-04) | |
XL1200 (Dom) | 1988 | 27502-88 | 200 / 35 | (27105-88) - (27117-88) | N65C (27094-88) |
1989 | 27502-89 | 175 / 45 | (27090-89) - (27170-89) | N72E (27168-89) | |
1990 | 27501-89 | 175 / 45 | (27090-89) - (27170-89) | N72A (27166-89) | |
1991 | 27501-89A | 175 / 45 | (27090-89) - (27170-89) | N72A (27166-89) | |
1992-1994 | 27487-92 | 170 / 40 | (27115-88) - (27281-92) | N86P (27280-92) | |
1995 | 27487-92A | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N86P (27280-92) | |
1996 | 27491-96 | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27171-89) | N86P (27280-92) | |
1997 | 27480-97 | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
1998 | 27480-97A | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
1999-2001 | 27480-97 | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
2002-2003 | 27480-97A | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
XL1200C (Dom) | 1996 | 27491-96 | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27171-89) | N86P (27280-92) |
1997 | 27480-97 | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
1998 | 27480-97A | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
1999-2001 | 27480-97 | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
2002-2003 | 27480-97A | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
2004 | 27731-04 | 180 / 42 | (27114-88) - (27171-89) | N4NN (28026-04) | |
2005-2006 | 27731-04 | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | N4NN (28026-04) | |
XL1200R (Dom) | 2004 | 27731-04 | 180 / 42 | (27114-88) - (27171-89) | N4NN (28026-04) |
2005-2006 | 27731-04 | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | N4NN(28026-04) | |
XL1200S (Dom) | 1996 | 27491-96 | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27171-89) | N86P (27280-92) |
1997 | 27480-97 | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
NOTE: 1998-2003 1200S carbs have no float bowl overflow tube protection They also have no drain plug & hose to empty float chamber for off riding season or extended storage |
1998 | 27731-98A | 19521) / 42 | (27275-96Y) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
1999-2001 | 27731-98 | 195 / 42 | (27275-96Y) - (27171-89) | (27656-98) | |
2002-2003 | 27731-98A | 195 / 42 | (27275-96Y) - (27171-89) | (27656-98) |
U S A (California) Sportster Models
- All CV models come equipped with accelerator pump unless noted.
- All data below is compiled from HD Parts Catalogs unless otherwise noted.
- Sportster models are divided into 3 categories: Domestic, California & HDI models
- See also:
- See Discrepancies in the FSM(s) / Parts Catalog(s) for further information on highlighted * areas in the carburetor charts below
Example Parts Shown Here »>
All CV40 carbs use the following parts & P/N:
27100-88 - Needle Jet (.114” ID)22)
27101-88 - Emulsion Tube (Needle Jet Holder)
27585-88 - Vacuum Slide (Vacuum Piston)
^Sportster Model^Year^ Keihin CV 40mm
Carb Serial # ^ Main / Slow
Jet Size 23) ^ Main / Slow Jet
(Part #s) ^ Keihin Needle
for Vac Slide24) ^
XL883 (Cal) | 1988 | 27504-88 No Accel Pump | 165 / 35 | (27116-88) - (27117-88) | N65B (27092-88) |
1989 | 27504-88A | 155 / 42 25) | ( (27154-89)27) - (27171-89) | N72B (27167-89) | |
1990 | 27503-88A | 160 / 42 28) | (27152-89)30) - (27171-89) | N72F (27169-89) | |
1991 | 27503-88B | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27171-89) | N72F (27169-89) | |
1992- Early 1993 | 27488-92 | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N86Q (27183-92) | |
Late 1993-1994 | 27488-92A | 170 / 40 | (27115-88) - (27281-92) | N86K (27278-93) | |
1995 | 27488-92B | 170 / 40 | (27115-88) - (27281-92) | N86K (27278-93) | |
1996-1997 | 27495-96 | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
1998 | 27495-96A | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
1999-2001 | 27495-96 | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
2002-2003 | 27495-96A | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
2004 | 27495-04 | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | N4NN (28026-04) | |
2005-2006 | 27495-04 | 180 / 42 | (27114-88) - (27171-89) | N4NN (28026-04) | |
XL883C (Cal) | 1998 | 27495-96A | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) |
1999-2001 | 27495-96 | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
2002-2003 | 27495-96A | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
2004 | 27495-04 | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | N4NN (28026-04) | |
2005-2006 | 27495-04 | 180 / 42 | (27114-88) - (27171-89) | N4NN (28026-04) | |
XL883 Hug (Cal) | 1988 | 27504-88 No Accel Pump | 165 / 35 | (27116-88) - (27117-88) | N65B (27092-88) |
1989 | 27504-88A | 155 / 42 31) | ( (27154-89)33) - (27171-89) | N72B (27167-89) | |
1990 | 27503-88A | 160 / 42 34) | (27152-89) - (27171-89) | N72F (27169-89) | |
1991 | 27503-88B | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27171-89) | N72F (27169-89) | |
1992- Early 1993 | 27488-92 | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N86Q (27183-92) | |
Late 1993-1994 | 27488-92A | 170 / 40 | (27115-88) - (27281-92) | N86K (27278-93) | |
1995 | 27488-92B | 170 / 40 | (27115-88) - (27281-92) | N86K (27278-93) | |
1996-1997 | 27495-96 | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
1998 | 27495-96A | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
1999-2001 | 27495-96 | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) | |
2002-2003 | 27495-96A | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK(27241-95) | |
XL883 Deluxe (Cal) | 1988 | 27504-88 No Accel Pump | 165 / 35 | (27116-88) - (27117-88) | N65B (27092-88) |
1989 | 27504-88A | 165 / 42 | (27116-88) - (27171-89) | N72B (27167-89) | |
1990 | 27503-88A | 165 / 42 | (27116-88) - (27171-89) | N72F (27169-89) | |
1991 | 27503-88B | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27171-89) | N72F (27169-89) | |
1992- Early 1993 | 27488-92 | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N86Q (27183-92) | |
Late 1993-1994 | 27488-92A | 170 / 40 | (27115-88) - (27281-92) | N86K (27278-93) | |
1995 | 27488-92B | 170 / 40 | (27115-88) - (27281-92) | N86K (27278-93) | |
XL883L (Cal) | 2005-2006 | 27495-04 | 180 / 42 | (27114-88) - (27171-89) | N4NN (28026-04) |
XL883R (Cal) | 2002-2003 | 27495-96A | 170 / 42 | (27115-88) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) |
2005-2006 | 27495-04 | 180 / 42 | (27114-88) - (27171-89) | N4NN (28026-04) | |
XL1200 (Cal) | 1988 | 27503-88 No Accel Pump | 180 / 35 | ( 27114-88) - (27117-88) | N65D (27099-88) |
1989-1990 | 27503-88A | 16036) / 42 | ( (27152-89) - (27171-89) | N72F (27169-89) | |
1991 | 27503-88B | 160 / 42 | ( 27152-89) - (27171-89) | N72F (27169-89) | |
1992-Early 1993 | 27486-92 | 17038) / 40 | (27115-88)- (27281-92) | N86P (27280-92) | |
Late 1993-1994 | 27486-92A | 185 / 40 | (27185-90) - (27281-92) | N86J (27279-93) | |
1995 | 27486-92B | 185 / 40 | (27185-90) - (27281-92) | N86J (27279-93) | |
1996-1997 | 27498-96 | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | N86J (27279-93) | |
1998 | 27498-96A | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | N86J (27279-93) | |
1999-2001 | 27498-96 | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | N86J (27279-93) | |
2002-2003 | 27498-96A | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | N86J (27279-93) | |
XL1200C (Cal) | 1996-1997 | 27498-96 | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | N86J (27279-93) |
1998 | 27498-96A | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | N86J (27279-93) | |
1999-2001 | 27498-96 | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | N86J (27279-93) | |
2002-2003 | 27498-96A | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | N86J (27279-93) | |
2004-2006 | 27732-04 | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | N4NN (28026-04) | |
XL1200R (Cal) | 2004-2006 | 27732-04 | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | N4NN (28026-04) |
XL1200S (Cal) | 1996 | 27498-96 | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | N86J (27279-93) |
1997 | 27498-96 | 195 / 42 | (27275-96Y) - (27171-89) | N86J (27279-93) | |
NOTE: 1998-2003 1200S carbs have no float bowl overflow tube protection They also have no drain plug & hose to empty float chamber for off riding season or extended storage |
1998 | 27732-98A | 195 / 42 | (27275-96Y) - (27171-89) | N86J (27279-93) | |
1999-2001 | 27732-98 | 195 / 42 | (27275-96Y) - (27171-89) | (27254-96) | |
2002-2003 | 27732-98A | 195 / 42 | (27275-96Y) - (27171-89) | (27254-96) |
H D I Sportster Models
- All CV models come equipped with accelerator pump unless noted.
- All data below is compiled from HD Parts Catalogs unless otherwise noted.
- Sportster models are divided into 3 categories: Domestic, California & HDI models
- See also:
- See Discrepancies in the FSM(s) / Parts Catalog(s) for further information on highlighted * areas in the carburetor charts below
Example Parts Shown Here »>
All CV40 carbs use the following parts & P/N:
27100-88 - Needle Jet (.114“ ID)39)
27101-88 - Emulsion Tube (Needle Jet Holder)
27585-88 - Vacuum Slide (Vacuum Piston)
^Sportster Model^Year^ Keihin CV 40mm
Carb Serial # ^ Main / Slow
Jet Size 40) ^ Main / Slow Jet
(Part #s) ^ Keihin Needle
for Vac Slide41) ^
XL883 Swiss All Models | 1989-1990 | 27492-89 No Accel Pump | ? / 35 | (27104-89) - (27117-88) | ? (27164-89?) |
XL883 HDI / Swiss | 1989-1990 | 27501-88 No Accel Pump | ? / 35 | (27104-89) - (27117-88) | ? (27164-89) |
XL883 Swiss | 1991 | 27503-88B | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27171-89) | N72F(27169-89) |
HDI / Swiss | 1992 | 27503-92 | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27171-89) | N72F(27169-89) |
HDI / Swiss | 1993-1994 | 27503-92A | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N65J(27187-93) |
HDI | 1995-1997 | 27031-95 | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | N65J (27187-93)42) |
HDI | 1998 | 27031-95A | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKD (27242-95) |
HDI | 1999-2000 | 27031-95 | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKD (27242-95) |
HDI/Eng/Japan | 2001 | 27465-01 | 165 / 42 | (27116-88) - (27171-89) | NOKL (28013-01) |
HDI Eng/Japan | 2002-2003 | 27465-01A | 165 / 42 | (27116-88) - (27171-89) | NOKL (28013-01) |
Aust | 2001 | 27031-95 | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKD (27242-95) |
Aust | 2002-2003 | 27031-95A | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKD (27242-95) |
HDI | 2004-2006 | 27465-04 | 165 / 42 | (27116-88) - (27171-89) | N9EY (28027-04) |
XL883C HDI | 1999-2000 | 27031-95 | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKD (27242-95) |
HDI/Eng/Japan | 2001 | 27465-01 | 165 / 42 | (27116-88) - (27171-89) | NOKL (28013-01) |
HDI/Eng/Japan | 2002-2003 | 27465-01A | 165 / 42 | (27116-88) - (27171-89) | NOKL (28013-01) |
Aust | 2001 | 27031-95 | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKD (27242-95) |
Aust | 2002-2003 | 27031-95A | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKD (27242-95) |
HDI | 2004-2006 | 27465-04 | 165 / 42 | (27116-88) - (27171-89) | N9EY(28027-04) |
XL883 Hug Swiss | 1991 | 27503-88B | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27171-89) | N72F(27169-89) |
HDI / Swiss | 1992 | 27503-92 | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27171-89) | N72F(27169-89) |
HDI / Swiss | 1993-1994 | 27503-92A | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N65J(27187-93) |
HDI | 1995-1997 | 27031-95 | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | N65J (27187-93)43) |
HDI | 1998 | 27031-95A | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKD (27242-95) |
HDI | 1999-2000 | 27031-95 | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKD (27242-95) |
HDI/Eng/Japan | 2001 | 27465-01 | 165 / 42 | (27116-88) - (27171-89) | NOKL (28013-01) |
HDI/Eng/Japan | 2002-2003 | 27465-01A | 165 / 42 | (27116-88) - (27171-89) | NOKL (28013-01) |
Aust | 2001 | 27031-95 | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKD (27242-95) |
Aust | 2002-2003 | 27031-95A | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKD (27242-95) |
XL883 Deluxe Swiss | 1991 | 27503-88B | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27171-89) | N72F(27169-89) |
HDI / Swiss | 1992 | 27503-92 | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27171-89) | N72F(27169-89) |
HDI / Swiss | 1993-1994 | 27503-92A | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N65J(27187-93) |
HDI | 1995 | 27031-95 | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | N65J (27187-93) |
XL883L HDI | 2005-2006 | 27465-04 | 165 / 42 | (27116-88) - (27171-89) | N9EY(28027-04) |
XL883R HDI/Eng/Japan | 2002-2003 | 27465-01A | 165 / 42 | (27116-88) - (27171-89) | NOKL (28013-01) |
Aust | 2002-2003 | 27031-95A | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKD (27242-95) |
HDI | 2005-2006 | 27465-04 | 165 / 42 | (27116-88) - (27171-89) | N9EY (28027-04) |
XL1200 HDI / Swiss | 1988-1990 No Accel Pump | 27502-88 | ? / ? | (?) - (?) | ? - (?) |
Swiss | 1989-1990 No Accel Pump | 27491-89 | ? / 35 | (27104-89) - (27117-88) | ? (27165-89) |
Swiss | 1991 | 27503-88B | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27171-89) | N72F(27169-89) |
HDI / Swiss | 1992 | 27503-92 | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27171-89) | N72F(27169-89) |
HDI / Swiss | 1993-1994 | 27503-92A | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N65J(27187-93) |
HDI | 1995 | 27076-95 | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | N65J(27187-93) |
Swiss 44) | 1995 | 27503-92B | 160 / 40 | (27152-89) - (27281-92) | N65J(27187-93) |
HDI | 1998 | 27076-95A | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) |
HDI | 1999-2000 | 27076-95 | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) |
HDI/Aust/Eng/Japan | 2001 | 27076-95 | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) |
HDI/Aust/Eng/Japan | 2002-2003 | 27076-95A | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) |
XL1200C HDI | 1996-1997 | 27076-95 | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | N65J(27187-93)45) |
HDI | 1998 | 27076-95A | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKK (27241-95) |
HDI | 1999-2000 | 27076-95 | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKK(27241-95) |
HDI/Aust/Eng/Japan | 2001 | 27076-95 | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKK(27241-95) |
HDI/Aust/Eng/Japan | 2002-2003 | 27076-95A | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | NOKK(27241-95) |
HDI | 2004-2006 | 27749-04 | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27171-89) HDI, Japan | N9EY (28027-04) |
XL1200R HDI | 2004-2006 | 27749-04 | 160 / 42 | (27152-89) - (27171-89) HDI, Japan | N9EY (28027-04) |
XL1200S HDI | 1996-1997 | 27076-95 | 190 / 42 | (27243-95) - (27171-89) | N65J(27187-93)46) |
HDI | 1998 | 27734-98 | 190 47) / 42 | (27243-95)48) - (27171-89) | N86K (27278-93) |
Swiss | 1998 | 27733-98 | 195 49) / 42 | (27275-96Y)50) - (27171-89) | N86K (27278-93) |
HDI | 1999-2000 | 27734-98 | 200 / 42 | (27105-88) - (27171-89) | N86K (27278-93) |
HDI/Aust/Eng/Japan | 2001 | 27749-01 | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | (27647-01) |
HDI/Aust/Eng/Japan | 2002-2003 | 27749-01A | 185 / 42 | (27185-90) - (27171-89) | (27647-01) |
Slow & Main Jets - P/N & Comparisons
Chart of Slow (Pilot) Jet Size Differences | ||||||
Number | HD Part # | MM | Dia Inches | Area Inch² | %+ of Prev Jet | %± of 42 Jet |
Keihin 35 | 27117-88 | 0.35 | 0.013780 | 0.0001491 | ~~ | -30.56 |
Keihin 40 | 27281-92 | 0.40 | 0.015748 | 0.0001947 | 30.61 | -9.30 |
Keihin 42 | 27171-89 | 0.42 | 0.016535 | 0.0002146 | 10.25 | –TYP– |
Keihin 45 | 27170-89 | 0.45 | 0.017717 | 0.0002464 | 14.80 | 14.80 |
Keihin 48 | 27165-90 | 0.48 | 0.018898 | 0.0002803 | 13.78 | 30.61 |
Keihin 44 | CV-Perf | 0.44 | 0.017323 | 0.0002356 | 9.75 | |
Keihin 46 | CV-Perf | 0.46 | 0.018110 | 0.0002575 | 19.95 | |
Keihin 50 | CV-Perf | 0.50 | 0.019685 | 0.0003042 | 41.72 | |
CV-Perf is for | ||||||
Keihin P/N for above listed jets is N424-25B-XX <– where XX is the size | ||||||
The N424-25B-XX series jets have 0.8mm bleed (cross) holes | ||||||
Chart of Main Jet Size Differences | ||||||
Number | HD Part # | MM | Dia Inches | Area Inch² | %+ of Prev Jet | %± of 170 Jet |
Keihin 160 | 27152-89 | 1.60 | 0.062992 | 0.0031149 | ~~ | -11.42 |
Keihin 165 | 27116-88 | 1.65 | 0.064961 | 0.0033126 | 6.35 | -5.80 |
Keihin 170 | 27115-88 | 1.70 | 0.066929 | 0.0035164 | 6.15 | –TYP– |
Keihin 175 | 27090-89 | 1.75 | 0.068898 | 0.0037263 | 5.97 | 5.97 |
Keihin 180 | 27114-88 | 1.80 | 0.070866 | 0.0039423 | 5.80 | 12.11 |
Keihin 185 | 27185-90 | 1.85 | 0.072835 | 0.0041643 | 5.63 | 18.43 |
Keihin 190 | 27243-95 | 1.90 | 0.074803 | 0.0043925 | 5.48 | 24.91 |
Keihin 195 | 27275-96Y | 1.95 | 0.076772 | 0.0046267 | 5.33 | 31.57 |
Keihin 200 | 27105-88 | 2.00 | 0.078740 | 0.0048670 | 5.19 | 38.41 |
Keihin P/N for above listed jets is N424-27-XXX <– where XXX is the size | ||||||
Area Inch² = 3.14 * DiaInches/2 * DiaInches/2 = π*r² |
Discrepancies in the FSM(s) / Parts Catalog(s)
Upon perusing 1986-2006 Parts Catalogs for carburetor information, it's clear that the MoCo was trying to save space in these books at the expense of legibility. Below is a chart showing the initial intentions on the top and the MoCo's mis-interpretations on the bottom. They give no notations (from year to year book) on any changes to the nomenclature. I.E. one way to display a year/ model number is displayed differently in other year books. This chart is not complete nor factual in numbering but as an example only. For instance:
Parts Book | Description | For Model(s) | Part fits model(s) | Notes |
86-90 | 00000-86 | 88 - * XL1200 | (88-90) XL1200 | Easy to understand, * means to the last date the book covers |
86-90 | 00000-86 (86-87 883) | 90-XL1200 | (86-87) XL883 & (90) XL1200 | Little harder (more to think about) |
86-90 | 00000-86 | 86-* all models | (86-90) XL883 all & (88-90) XL1200 | Easy to understand, blankets all models 1200 first made in 1988 but it leads you to believe they were made from '86 |
86-90 | 00000-86 00000-86 (Cal) | 89-* XL1200 88-* XL1200 | (89-90) XL1200 - (49 state)except California (88-90) XL1200 - California only | No suffix after desc. means domestic models (Cal) after suffix is California models only |
91-92 | 00000-86 (91-Cal) | 91-* XL1200 | (91-92) Xl1200 (domestic) (91) Xl1200 (California) | Both Cal and Dom models |
93-94 | 00000-87 (93-Cal) 00000-86 | 93-* XL883 93-* XL883 | (93-94) Xl883 (California) only (93-94) XL883 all models | Reads it but doesn't mean for Domestic Domestic (49 state models) |
Found and documented discrepancies are in the chart below. I'm sure I didn't list them all 51)
Engine | XL883 | XL1200 | ||||
2004 FSM (erroneous info)52) | 49 State | California | HDI, Swiss | 49 State | California | HDI, Swiss |
Main Jet Corrected Size 53) | 175 | 180 | 170 | 180 | 185 | 160 |
2002, 2003 Parts Catalogs show a Cali 883R carb but no jet sizes or other carb parts. Listed same year 883 (Cali) data.54) |
1999, 2000 Parts Catalogs do not list part number for a (Cali) main jet size for the 1200S. Listed same year (Dom) jet sizes.55) |
1999, 2000 Parts Catalog does not list part number for a (Cali) main jet size for the 883C. Listed same year (Cali) 883 jet sizes.56) |
1998 Parts Catalog shows a 170 and a 195 main jet for Dom 1200S. Verified with 1998 HD Sportster FSM to be a 195.57) |
1998 Parts Catalog pg 135 lists differences between the mid-year intro 883C and 883Std. Reads other than what's listed, use 883Std parts. No carb parts listed so Std 883 specs used.58) |
1998 Parts Catalog pg 23 shows Swiss 1200S with (27114-88) 180 main jet but no main jet for HDI. Also there is no jet needle specified for Swiss 1200S Listed jet sizes from 1998 HD FSM pg 4-1 showing Swiss (195), HDI (190). Also listed Swiss 1200S jet needle as same year HDI 1200S 59) |
1998 Parts Catalog shows 1200S (Dom) main jet as a 170 (27115-88). Corrected to a 195 main jet with the 1998 HD XLH FSM pg 4-1.60) |
1993-1994 Parts Catalog makes it impossible to verify a main jet without the FSM to translate; | ||||||
27115-88 Main Jet (Late 1992 and Later 883 Cal.) 93-94 All Models | Translates to Cal 883 (170) & Dom 1200 (170)61) | |||||
27152-89 Main Jet (1200 HDI and Swiss) 93-94 All Models | Translates to Dom, HDI/Swiss 883 (160) & HDI/Swiss 1200 (160)62) | |||||
27185-90 Main Jet (Cal only) L93-94 1200 | Normal listing which is a Late 93-94 Cal 1200 (185)63) | |||||
1991-1992 Parts Catalog is confusing to show (Cal)1200 main jet as: (170) 27115-88 - main Jet (Dom) - 92 and on * -all models.64) | ||||||
1991-1992 Parts Catalog is confusing to show (Cal)883 main jet as: (160) 27152-89 - main Jet (1991 Cal & Swiss; 1992 & later All 883, 1200 HDI & Swiss - 1991-1992 models. Doesn't seem to group (Cal)883 into the 92 models. Verified with 1991-1992 FSM pg 4-165) | ||||||
1990 Parts Catalog does not list a main jet for an XL1200 (Domestic) model. Verified with the 1986-1990 FSM pg 4-1.66) |
1986-1990 Parts Catalog has an errant main jet #27154-88 for (Cal) 883s. Confirmed as a 155 with the 1986-1990 Sportster FSM pg 4-1, cross referenced to serial #27154-89 67) 68) | ||||||
1986-1990 Parts Catalog is very confusing on export model carb info. I.E., The carb numbers are (all with no accel pump): 27491-89 / (Swiss only) / 89-90 XLH1200 27492-89 / Swiss only / 89-90 XLH883 All Models 27501-88 / HDI only-1989 & later / 88-90 XL883 All Models 27502-88 / HDI only-1989 & later / 88-90 XLH1200 These are the only main jets designated for export motors: 27102-89 / Main Jet (Swiss only) / 89- XLH 883 All Models 27104-89 / Main jet (Swiss only) / 89-90 All Models These are the only slow jets designated for export motors: 27117-88 / Slow jet (Swiss only-1989) / 88 & 89 All Models These are the only needle jets designated for export motors: 27164-89 (Swiss only) / 89- XLH 883 All models 27165-89 (Swiss only) / 89- XL1200 Everything else is either designated Domestic or California engines. 69) |