REF: Body Parts




  • Below is a collection of saddlebags to peruse to see what you might like and any known snags before you buy them.

Leatherlyke Bags

'Cruiser' saddlebags are a custom fit design, detachable and come factory with their own bolts and mounting
spools (detach points) that attach to the fender brace holes. No support brackets needed. Max weight 20lbs. 2)
Leatherlyke Cruiser hard bags on a 2002 1250C. Dims: 7.5“ Wide x 11.5” Tall x 18“ Long.
Hardware is quick release for easy bag removal. Keyed locking lid, closed cell neoprene liners,
weather proofing seals, and necessary mounting hardware included. 3) 4)

River Road Bags

Throw-over River Road bags under the seat of a '91 XL1200. No bag supports. Held off tire by shocks,
brake rotor and belt guard. 5) Weight: 9 lbs. , Dims 16 x 15 x 11 in. 6)

Viking Bags

Viking Lamellar bags mounted on a 06 1200. Dims: 8” x 22.5“ x 13.5” 7)

Saddlebag Mounts

These are Viking's own mounts shipped with their bags. They have to be assembled but because of the moveable arms, they are versatile to different frames.

Viking saddlebag mounts 8)

Custom Bag Mounts

Just about any bag can be mounted on any bike. It depends on a lot of variables you need to figure out before attempting a custom mount. Factors including looks (high/ low position as well as the dimension between the fender and the bag). Some people do not mind a gap between the bag and the fender and some will not like it at all. Other factors to consider are passenger leg room, rear turns position, ground clearance and, of course, the main reason for installing bags is to carry more stuff with you than what you can fit in your pocket. Below are some pics of custom mounts for saddlebags. Click on a pic to enlarge.

Aluminum flat bar (1“x3/8”x10-7/16“) to move the holes backwards w/ Easy Mount bushing bolts tapped into the bar. Turns relocated.9)
See pic (R) for the flat bar hole dims for 94-03 models 10)
Frame bolts: 5/16”x2“ with 1-1/4” wide fender washers and nylocks (all stainless)
Easy Bracket bolts: 5/16“x2” stainless (cut to length with a Dremil), spacing is the same as the frame bolts
Outside frame bolt spacing: 7-5/8“
Factory holes not used. Match them to the mount/ position desired and your done. Mounted and detachable. Same bike/ Different paint/ tins and tank.
Dims: 17.5” x 11“ x 6”, Lid Opening: 12'' x 6.25“, Wt Ea.:5.56 lbs. 11)

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