REF: Body Parts

Tool Bags and What To Carry

List of Tools Carried

Here is a toolbag item checklist PDF Rider's Service Tools from the MoCo for different Ironhead motorcycles.

Here is an idea to shorten some cheap wrenches if needed to keep them in a tool bag.
The middle was cut out of standard size wrenches and then the two ends welded back together.
1) 2)

Toolbags and Mounting

Downtube Bag

An HD bag:
The bracket with two nuts already welded to the down tubes was used to fasten the bag. 3)

HD downtube bag. 4)

9000 series Otter Box:
It's waterproof and small enough to mount on the downtubes.

  • Waterproof - Crushproof - Airtight
  • Watertight to depths well beyond 100 feet
  • Floats and stays watertight in water
  • Closed cell neoprene O-ring to keep water out
  • Made of Fiber-glass Reinforced ABS
  • Silicone gasket for long lasting watertight seal
  • Easy open latch
  • Convenient Beltclip
  • Compact size
  • Unconditional Lifetime Warranty (although now discontinued from the manufacturer) 5)
9000 series Otter Box fastened to the downtubes. 6)

Swingarm Toolbag Mount

The bag sets higher than the exhaust. You'd have to be leaning heavily before that bag will touch the ground.

7) 8)

Making a bracket mount for a leather tool bag. Bracket was made from 1/8“ thick aluminum and some misc chrome hardware. An angle was cut on the front end. 9)
Bracket shaped with a hand file, and holes drilled for
mounting to the swingarm. 10)
Holes also drilled to mount the bracket to the bag. 11)Edges rounded with a file, bracket wet sanded with
320/400/1500 grit paper respectively and then hand
polished. 12)
Final fitting to mark a hole on the rear side at the
swingarm. 13)
The hole was then drilled and tapped. 14)The bag mounting holes in the bracket were
partially counter bored to allow clearance between
the hardware and swingarm. 15)
Assembling bracket to bag. 16)Inside the bag, large flat washers,
lock washers and nylocks. 17)
Bag mounted with chrome buttonheads,
spacers and Loc-tite. 18)
If after the bag gets broken in and it sort of flops
over, you can add some metal flat stock inside the
bag to keep it rigid. 19)

Swingarm Toolbox

This is a replica of 1940-1959 factory tool box sold by sold by Drag Specialties. 20)
It has a chrome finish, keys included and it replaces OEM 64205-40A.
However, Bob F of the XLFORUM fitted it to a 2007 XL50 swingarm.


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