REF: Body Parts

Sissy Bars

Fender / Luggage Racks

Fender Rack by Bluto

Bluto (of the gave the following information about this fender rack:
I made a rack that bolts up to the HD Quick-Detach Sideplates.

The overall dimensions are 11“ long x 8-1/2” wide.

The solid vertical bars which reach down into the sideplates are 4-1/2“ long
and are made of 9/16” square stock which hardware stores don't carry
so I ordered a foot of 9/16“ keystock from Amazon for about $5 IIRC.
HD uses 1/4-20 mounting screws so I did the same. Drilled and tapped for them.

The rest of the rack is made from 16ga ERW steel tubing
plus some 1/8” plate for the gussets and box mounts.
The square frame tubes are 3/4“. The round crossbars are 1/2”.




Here is an FLT luggage rack bent to fit the fender bolts on a 2007 Sportster XL-50, Tourpak on top.

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