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REF: Engine Control50

Daytona Twin Tec TC88A Map Files - Aftermarket Ignition Maps

The TC88A Ignition Module is usable on the 2004-2006 carburetored models of the Sportsters. It replaces the stock Ignition Module.

The TC88A has dials on the module for selecting pre-programed ignition timing maps and choosing the level of the RPM Limiter. This is accomplished with two dials for timing maps and two dials for the RPM Limit.

One of the timing dials sets the Initial Timing while the second dial selects the Timing Advance Slope.

One of the RPM Limit dials chooses the x1000 value and the other selects the x100 value. If a setting is selected at 3000 or below, that is understood to mean NO RPM LIMITER will be active. BE CAREFUL!

In addition to the pre-programmed timing maps (selectable by the dials), the unit can be user-programmed to utilize customized timing advance maps. To use these customized maps, you must have a computer interface, such as the Daytona USB Interface (18014), and the Daytona PC-Link Software, to communicate with the TC88A unit. (see this XLForum Thread.)

Table Data Files - '.tbl'

The TC88A PC-Link Software will allow you to upload customized ignition timing files into the module. These filenames end with a '.tbl', indicating they are Table Files (such as Jester_Delta.tbl). These files are actually text files and the PC-Link Software will put that data into the memory of the TC88A to cause it to respond according to your customized settings.

Here's a sample of what data is actually contained in the '.tbl' files (this is taken from the Jester_Delta.tbl file) :

This is the text that is in the .tbl file

GRID 16 8
500 1
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3.344 3.344 3.168 3.344 3.696 4.048 4.4 5.104
6.512 6.688 6.688 6.864 7.392 8.272 8.976 10.032
10.032 10.032 10.208 10.56 11.264 12.32 13.552 14.96
13.552 13.552 13.728 14.256 15.136 16.544 18.128 20.064
17.072 17.072 17.248 17.952 19.184 20.768 22.88 24.992
20.24 20.416 20.768 21.648 22.88 24.992 27.28 29.568
23.056 23.584 23.936 24.992 26.576 28.864 31.152 33.616
25.344 25.872 26.752 27.808 29.568 32.032 34.672 37.312
26.752 27.632 28.688 29.92 32.032 34.672 37.488 39.952
27.632 28.512 29.744 31.152 33.44 36.432 39.072 41.184
27.984 28.864 30.272 31.856 34.32 37.312 39.776 41.536
27.984 29.04 30.448 32.208 34.672 37.664 40.128 41.536
27.984 29.216 30.448 32.384 34.848 37.84 40.128 41.536
27.984 29.216 30.624 32.56 35.024 38.016 40.128 41.536
27.984 29.216 30.624 32.56 35.024 38.016 40.128 41.536
!Module Parameters
!InitialTiming: 0
!RearOffset: 0
!RPMLimit: 3000
!CrankRevs: 2
!FixedLimFlag: False
!SelEEPROMTblFlag: True
!FixedInitialTmgFlag: False
!VSSFreq: 1431
!TachEnableFlag: True
This is what the table data in the middle of the .tbl file represents to the
engine module. This is what sets the timing advance based on the
RPM parameter and the MAP sensor parameter.

While oriented differently here in the file listing, where MAP is horizontal
and RPM is vertical, this is the same numerical data that is shown in the
Table Diagrams for each Ignition Timing Map below.

However, the Table Diagram only shows the data with one decimal digit
(rounded up as appropriate). Perhaps it onlys stores the rounded number.

Sample 'Jester_Delta' Table Diagram shown in PC-Link when that file is loaded. Here, MAP is vertical & RPM is horizontal.

Rico05r/JesterMotorwerkz/Rocketmangb Ignition Maps

This section was created from files supplied by XLForum member, rocketmangb. Many were created by XLForum member, rico05r and left in the care of rocketmangb. To get them into the Sportsterpedia, help was provided by XLForum member, npaisnel, who created the image files and helped with file handling. Thank you very much to all involved.

Instructions for using the ZIPPED files:
1) Click the selected ZIP filename and download (save) it to a convenient directory on your local computer.
2) Then UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg', the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.
3) Load that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.


Click on an image to see a larger scale version.
Click the following filename and download (save) it
to a convenient directory on your local computer.

Next, UNZIP the file to obtain the Map Image '-m.jpg',
the Table Data '-t.jpg' and the usable '.tbl' data file.

Then LOAD that '.tbl' data file into the Daytona Twin Tec
PC Link Software to map your ignition module.

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