REF: Engine Mechanicals - Sub-05C

Installing a Catch Can on the Breather Vent Line

This one is 4“ long and 1-5/8” in dia.
The fittings can be installed however you like for your application (mounting position).
Mounted vertically, (which is a more efficient use of it's volume) the drain valve can be installed on the bottom.
Mounted horizontally, the drain valve can be installed on the side (which ends up being the bottom).

Breather Vent Catch Can. 1) Temporary Catch Can for Testing. 2)

Homemade PCV Catch Can

Joker Machine A/C w/ Internal Breather Path to Catch Can Conversion

This 883R had a Joker Machine A/F setup that vents into the intake stream. 3)
The A/C was allowing oil to drip a light oil mist down the right side of the bike.
It seems that the oil was dripping from the vent ports and saturating the bottom of the filter, and then just slowly dripping out.

The Joker Machine venting system was bypassed via a catch can assembly as in the pics below.
A horseshoe, new filter mounting adapter (Mooneyes) and a catch can system was installed.
4) 5)

The bracket for the catch can was fabricated from some scrap steel then powder coated.
6) 7) 8)

The catch can was mounted to an existing hole in the frame (out of the way between the front lower frame rails).
The location is out of the way yet allows easy access to the drain valve to occasionally empty it.
While there's while there's never much volume in them, the can catches any liquid from the vent instead of it misting on the bike.
The Mooneyes filter adapter allows the use the 4“ K&N filter and Joker Machine outer cover.
9) 10) 11)

Engine Breather Oil Collector (EBOC) System

Designed and sold by RW COMPANY'S BIKE STUFF 12).
Here's a video from the maker on how to install it.
This one is installed with the addition of one 5/16” hole in the sprocket cover, some 3/8“ hose, and a brass tee. 13)
It's basically a catch can with a filter on the top.
14) 15) 16)

17) 18) 19) 20)

Catch Can Pics

RW COMPANY'S BIKE STUFF 4700 Old Highway 279 in Camp Verde, AZ (928) 567-5245
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