EVO: Body Parts

Foot Controls


* . . . 2009 HD XL 1200C Shift Lever Assembly Modification

See Foot Controls, Pegs, Kickstand in the REF section of the Sportsterpedia for more foot control and peg mods.



The 1998 model year was the first for using the kickstand bushings - The rest of the 1998 parts were the exact same as the previous model years:

Stock Parts
50003-89A . PIN, CLEVIS
50006-89 . . JIFFY STAND (varied by model)

but these bushings were added:
53176-08 . . BUSHING (2ea)
(previously 53158-98)

It seems the holes in the kickstand mounting tab at the frame were enlarged from that model year forward to accomodate the bushings. There are two bushings used - one above and the other below - between the pivot pin and the mounting tab. The bushings should be checked every year to see if they need replacing due to wear (such as shown in this picture.)

The stock configuration has the pivot pin inserted from below & a cotter pin put thru the end of the pivot pin at the top. With this arrangement, if the cotter pin wears out or breaks, the pivot pin will drop from the mount & may completely be lost, along with the kick stand. It's been suggested that the pivot pin should be inserted from the top with the cotter pin at the bottom, so if the cotter pin is gone, the pivot pin remains in the mount. However, in this arrangement, the cotter pin is exposed to the spring movement past the bottom of the pivot pin, which occurs whenever the kickstand is applied or retracted. It's your choice.

(See this discussion on the XLForum)

(See the alternative spring choice in the REF Section)
(See the alternative kickstand bushings in the REF Section)

Inspect and grease the Jiffy Stand and parts periodically.
This one looked to have wear and upon dis-assembly a bushing was found to be broken.
1) 2) Illustration by IXL2Relax at the XLForumphoto by Hippysmack of the XLFORUM photo by Hippysmack of the XLFORUM

Forward Controls

Brake Pedal

Clevis Pin

Dims were taken on used brake pedal and clevis pin below from a 1998 XL1200S.


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