REF: Body Parts

Foot Controls

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* . . . Kickstand Mods

Kickstand replaced on a 2003 1200C

(See the alternative spring choice in the REF Section)
(See the alternative kickstand bushings in the REF Section)
Using an aftermarket jiffy stand and spring with the hinge pin, brass bushings and cotter pin from HD, total cost (over $90). 1)
You can see the top bushing and the cotter pin. Notice how the bushing has a small bit of room to rock back and forth.
As per the manual you will have to make sure that is greased well and inspect every servicing.
2) 3) 4)

There is a perfect hole in the bracket on the frame to hold the bottom bushing in place (meaning it can't move like the top one can.
Also you can see where the spring attaches. Also check this for problems at every servicing.
5) 6) 7)

Kickstand Spring Alternative

Kickstand Bushings Alternative

In 1998 the kickstand bushings were added to all models - The other
1998 parts were still the same as previous model years:
50003-89A . PIN, CLEVIS
50006-89 . . JIFFY STAND

but the bushings were added:
53176-08 . . BUSHING (2ea)

The mounting holes in the kickstand tab at the frame were enlarged
from that model year forward to accomodate the bushings.


(See this discussion on the XLForum)

Kickstand Bushing Dimensions
overall length. .250
inside dia. .375
outside dia. .500
flange. .685 dia
flange thk. .050

P/N 12R786
P/N 12R657
These sizes are the same as the factory bushings, but are made of other material.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kickstand Bushing Dimensions
Overall length: 5/16“
Inside diameter: 13/32” (just bigger than 3/8“)
Outside diameter: 1/2”
Flange diameter: 11/16“
Thickness of flange: 1/32” (yes the OEM is thin)

Bracket hole diameter: 1/2“ precisely
Jiffystand pin diameter: 3/8” precisely

Inside diameter of the worn bushing end: 15/32“ (very floppy on the pin)

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